6:Cabinet man

409 19 14

I'd like to thank grannysause
For helping me with this chapter and a few ideas for the story.

Idle chatter had filled your brain with a soft, fuzzy, warm feeling, your body relaxed at the voices talking about different topics. You found comfort in the lively attitudes of the men.

Jeremy and you been sitting on one of the couches, the taller man placing an arm around your shoulders. Although he looked happy, you can tell by the way his eyes would avoid Spy's general direction that he was still upset. You wished you knew what made the two hate each other so bad. What made spy different then the other mercenaries.

"Maybe it's because he's french," you mumbled to yourself, gaining a few mercenary's attention. Jeremy glanced down at you, brows furrowed.

"What are you talking about?" Jeremy asked in a hushed tone, shifting in his seat to facs you.

"Do you hate spy because he's French, Jeremy? Are you a...what they called..?" You paused for a moment, before Spy chuckled.

"A racist," the man stated. You snapped your finger and pointed at him, nodding.

"Yeah, that's the word. Are you a racist, Jeremy?" You asked as you looked back at your twink of a friend. He stared at you, dumbfounded, before he let out a few a sigh.

"No, n/n, I'm not... I'm not a racist. I swear I'm not. I'm not- I'm just not one," Jeremy ranted. "Look, that...that guy and i have a few problems. Genetic problems."

You glanced down, scratching your wrist in thought, before you looked up at scout again. "Genetic? Like..you're related?"

"Ah- uh, hey, n/n, let's not get you dragged into their family issues," Miss Pauling spoke up, walking her way over to you and Jeremy. "Let's.. let's go find you a room!"

You didn't get a chance to deny or accept the request as Pauling pulled you to your feet, and gingerly held your hand as you two walked out of the room. It wasn't long before a few other mercenaries joined you on your walk through the base.

Soldier had been eyeing you from under his dented helmet. You could feel his glare on you, his eyes leaving a burning pain that, while it didn't hurt you, annoyed you to no end. 

Eventually you and the small group of you, Pauling, Soldier, and Dell, with Pyro and Jeremy joining a while later, had came to a stop before a pair of double doors with chains over the handles. Pauling immediately pulled her gun out and shot off the rusted lock of the chains, watching the chains fall to the floor in a rusted heap.

"This area was apart of a mall that we bulit off of, but we haven't been in here for awhile. It's a shortcut to other part of the base. It might be a good time to check and see if this place is still stable since we have someone new here," Pauling explained as she stepped inside a small hall. You quickly followed behind, and was in pure aw as you were welcomed to a large room with a highrise, dome like ceiling made of glass. There was a large fountain in the middle of the room that didn't work anymore, and was full of green water and a few vines. You watched as a frog hopped out, and hopped away.

There were vines and plants everywhere, oddly enough. The whole place was taken over by vegetation. You found it odd. Hadn't they said most plant life was destroyed by the explosion? Maybe this area was protected for some reason.

The group made its way across the large room, and into a hall on the opposite side. You were met with a few more rooms and some areas that look like shopping pop-up stores, and stands. Eventually, Pauling stopped at a door and opened it into a room. It was bare, and looked like it used to be a store. The shelves and such were missing but there was still decorations on the walls.

"Everyone in town has taken home in one of these stores, but this part is completely reserved for us," Pauling explained, "it's like apartments, kind of... Demo lives right across from you if you need any help, and Heavy lives to the left. The right is mine."

"Thank you," you stated, before stepping into the room. You heard pauling go on about getting furniture late on, but you were too focused on the walls. Some of the items have been left behind. You picked up a necklace on the wall, which of one of those cheesey friendship necklaces that broke so you could give one half to a friend. You smiled at it. Maybe Jeremy would like this.

You looked back at the door when you heard Pauling stop talking, and have her a nod. She left the room, leaving you alone for a few seconds before soldier stepped inside, closing the door behind him.

"Soldier, nice to see you," You said in a cheerful tone, getting a growl in response.

"Listen here, Maggot," He was loud. Louder then you expect for a normal indoor voice. "I don't know who you think you are thinking you can just waltz in here, and try to make friends with a bunch of cold-blooded killing machines, and take refuge in our base as if you have the training to be here."

He spoke so strick and serious that it shivered you to your core. For some reason you found yourself standing straight as possible and unconsciously saluting to him. A wave of deja vu filled your head, that confused you for a moment. Why did this feel familiar.

"But since the others have taken such a liking to you already, I'll at least set some ground rules," He started stepping closer to you. "You will wake up around six o'hundered hours, and get ready before six-thirty. You will spend your days training, cleaning, and doing work all around. You will only be given a break when you can't walk anymore. You will not converse with others for more then a minute. You will then shower, and go to bed at twenty-three hundred. This will be your routine until i can trust that you are man enough to be a mercenary, do you hear me, maggot?"

"Sir, yes, sir," you hesitant said, your voice below a whisper as you processed the information in your head.

"What was that, maggot?!" He shouted, before the door opened again. Jeremy and Dell stood there, both with disappointment written all over their face.

"Jane doe," Dell said sternly, watching as the helmet wearing man straightened up and faced him. "Are you done scarin' our newbie away, or am i goin' to have to drag you to your room for a lil' talkin' to?"

The cowboy crossed his arms as he waited for a response. Soldier nodded, and gave you a look as to say "we'll talk later" before he shuffled out of the room, Dell following. Jeremy looked at you and walked over, immediately pulling you into his embrace.

"I'm surprised Dell has such an effect on that man," you stated as you hugged Jeremy back, peering over his shoulder at the door.

"Yeah, I'm pretry sure those two are like- secretly married or something. They always act like that from what i remember," Jeremy said as he broke the hug, looking down at you.

"Hey- do you still have your room here? Before you were kidnapped?" You asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure i do.. c'mon, let's go look for it," Jeremy said and he broke the hug, pulling you out of the room. "We'll grab you some furniture along the way."

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