extra special- dynasty

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Y/n: The weather draws colder by the day does it not brother

????: indeed it does brother all because of those bastards up in the south

???: hey now what have the folks there do that upsets you so much Merlin

Merlin: what's there not to be upset about those bastards sit up in their fancy chairs and houses all day whiles we sit here freezing our asses off to protect them from a threat they don't believe even exist

???: Come on now better they live in bliss whiles they still can after all as long as they can sit on there fat asses and stuff there faces with food wine and whores that just means we're doing our job

Y/n: you both hold a reasonable arguments however we might have something bigger on our hands

Merlin: and what's that

Y/n: simple were taking far to long to reach the king's landing don't you think

Merlin: you have a point at this rate we'll have to camp for nightfall then head out in the morning

???: And wait for those savages to attack us in our sleeps

Y/n: come on Henry calm yourself after all your a brother of the nights watch

Henry: you say that like we chose this life this only happened because we were cousins of the Targaryens

Merlin: hated cousins but cousins non the less the people fear that we may try take the throne of swords for our own so they place is were we would freeze to death and die a worthless death

Y/n: I won't deny that but I won't say that's the end after all the Targaryens were the tamers and those dragon that got out of hand were sent to us

Henry: the dragon slayers

Merlin: the dovahs

You all continue to ride your horses and laugh however once the moment was over Merlin asked a question

Merlin: do you believe it

Henry: believe what

Merlin: that our family slay dragons and took there very souls to make us stronger

Henry: of course I do after all we were and still are the only family capable of reading those old text without any study of the damn thing

Y/n: I swear I almost pushed over a bowl of soup whiles reciting one of the old text

Merlin: lies

Y/n: it's true

Henry: then prove it

Y/n: watch fes roo dav

You all watch as nothing happened as Henry and Merlin started to laugh again

Merlin: may such mighty winds I barely hanged on to the horse to not be blown away

Henry: same here brother

Y/n: what I must have said it wrong

Merlin: ah yes of course what was it you said again

Henry: I think it was fus ro da

As the words leave Henry lips an invisible force then slammed into Merlin and his horse as they went flying couple feet away as Merlin laid there passed out and injured Henry and you looking in shock before rushing to help him out

Ninja: sense I haven't updated in so long because of school and writers block I give you guys this to read in the main time

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