to love making trouble

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It's a lovely night the moonlight shining over everything couples walking home together even criminals would say it's a peaceful night but not everyone would as two individuals were fighting in a park

Girl: you put up a pretty good fight to bad your at your limit

Y/n: heh even at my limit am still more than enough for you

The two were a girl with dark red hair with several scratches on her face arms and legs and a boy with H/c and e/c eyes (also your eye color much be dark as when he use an element his eye turn that color but bright) with a dislocated shoulder and cuts and bruises all over

Y/n: I mean I haven't even went slightly serious

Girl: neither have I

Just before they could do something else a orange hair boy happen to spot them in the distance

Orange hair boy: Mei what are you doing

Mei: rito what are you doing here don't tell me you snuck out looking for me to licky licky me senpai

Y/n: wow that's a mood killer

Rito: no! I just came from the shop for some stuff for dinner tonight and thought I was you

Mei: aw well I was just talking with my new friend here is all

Rito: new friend you mean that guy?

Catching on to what she was silently asking tho it works for you as your supposed to keep normal people from knowing you couldn't help but to make this somewhat hard for her

Y/n: friend is what we're going by friends we've been going out for 3 months and then you suddenly act like we don't know each other saying we should split up

Mei: huh

Rito: I think I came at the wrong time

Y/n: no this is the perfect time your the guy right

Rito: huh what guy

Y/n: the guy getting in the way of me and her

You then intimatingly walk up to him stopping right in front of him looking down a little as his head is up to your chin

Rito: u-um why is there blood on your shirt are you injured

Y/n: why don't we find out

Mei: okay that's enough why don't we all head home come rito I'll walk you home

And with that they walked away as Mei look back to see you with an sadistic smile as you mouth I win and walk home to report what happened

Doctor: that's very interesting but why tell me and not the general

Y/n: because the general will ask did I win which it was a tie anyway moral of the story I need my equipment

Doctor: other than the ones you have now you specialized equipment is still being upgraded I'll send it as soon as it's ready but don't expect anything for a while and keep what you can with you at all times to prevent I being killed

Y/n: noted see you doc

The transmission then cut off as you sent Henry to charge and went to bed

Narator: suger spice and everything nice these are the ingredients the professor used but he accidentally added another ingredient chemical P and with that

Henry: time to head to school

Y/n: uhhhh right when it was getting good

Henry: if am not wrong am sure that the episode just started

Y/n: yeah and now I'll never know what happened in the episode let's go

You two then walk out the house and started head to school

Henry: the general also said to further hide who you are you should keep a low profile as am already program to act as what you humans call the school nerd

Y/n: what ever I always do that

Henry: it says here that you only finnish missions faster is because you always get to well know and get confronted by the enemy how ever the ground we're dealing with is more knowledgeable to do something so reckless

Y/n: listen am not going to blow my cover am just going to sit down and do my work like a normal kid

You to then arrive in the school gates as Henry when to the principal office to find out what class you're both in and you were to stay put which you were doing until some bump into you and now it's this

Bull?: P-plesde aem sowey

You were holding up a guy I who thought it would be funny to try take your money and around you were his friends who were on the floor bloody as Henry came back and you dropped the guy

Y/n: listen I can explain

Henry: sigh just let's go

You followed his to class stepping on the guys laying down on your way as he knocked on a door before we were told to come in


The door opened as a tan skin dark blue haired boy with green eyes and glasses walked in behind him was the guy from last night his tall muscular figure s/c (skin color) h/c and e/c his opened up shirt showing his plain white t-shirt and black boots instead of the male school shoes as the blue hair one talked

??: Hello ma'am am Henry I just wanted to show my friend where his class was as we're are both new

Teacher: well am only a substitute for the week but thank you Henry

Henry: your welcome and y/n please stay out of trouble

Y/n: I always play nice so you don't have to worry about me

With that Henry left as me and Y/n eyes met and he got a smirk

Y/n: hello everyone the name's Y/n no last name I like entertaining stuff sleeping and playing nice that's all

Teacher: well you could take a set next to

Y/n: her

He said pointing at me

Teacher: sure feel free just don't disrupt class

He then started walking at me at his smirk gets bigger will every step he took until he sat down and face me completely

Y/n: the world really is a small place huh

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