Chapter Four: Tutor

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'Damn, rich people sleep different'

My bed back home wasn't half as comfortable as Kyungmi's.

Later that night, I was dressed in silk pajamas, laying in what I assumed to be Egyptian cotton. I was enveloped in unimaginable luxury and comfort. 

But despite that, I couldn't fall asleep. 

Whenever I closed my eyes, it felt like I was in danger. My instincts told me that a threat was near, even if it was only theoretical. To sleep soundly, I had to do a sweep of the room.

I tossed the blankets off of me, sitting up with a heavy sigh. I threw my legs over the side of the bed, starting to look through Kyungmi's nightstand. 

In her bedside table was a mixture of things. But what stood out the most were five tiny books. They were all diaries, bound in pink leather. Each book was labeled by years, at about 2-3 intervals (2005-8, 2009-12, 2013-15, 2016-19, 2020-?). Kyungmi must have meticulously written about her life, starting from elementary school.

My interest was in the journal of the most recents years. I flipped through the pearly white pages, which were almost completely filled with impeccable handwriting.

I stopped at the last entry in the book (logged about two months ago):

I thought this was what I always wanted. And being a singer did make me happy for a little while. But, now, it's become too much. I don't ever get to rest, I have no "me time", and I can't walk out on the street like a normal person. I wish I could go back to the times when no one knew who I was. Maybe I just need to disappear for a little while.

'Did Kyungmi run away?'

The audacity of this bitch. Just because she was sick of being rich and famous, I've been kidnapped and forced to replace her?

The least this bitch could have done was giving me a heads-up before kidnapping me and making me take over her life. And she better pay me for this shit!

'Then again, she probably wasn't the one behind my kidnapping...'

Whoever made her hate her life was probably behind this. Now I know that I just need to find her. And then I could (hopefully) go back home.

I tucked the diary back in its place, closing the drawer slowly. As the desk shook because of my movement, a small leaf of paper slowly floated to the ground.

"What's this?" I asked myself.

I leaned down and picked up the paper. It was a note taken from a Sanrio notepad. The handwriting was nice and neat. It was similar to the penmanship in her diary. 

 It read: I'll be back soon.

'Is this from Kyungmi?'

This must have been her subtle way of telling someone that she'd come home soon. It gave me comfort to know that this should all come to an end soon.

Now I could fall asleep, knowing that better days might be ahead.

An innate fear caused me to startle awake up. It felt like I was being watched, closely. Like someone was standing right beside me...

'I'm probably just overreacting.'

I slowly opened my eyes, finding an old man standing at my bedside.

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