#66: Rainy Days

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"Oi, Dazai!"

Chuuya hollers at the brunette as he smiles innocently at him, leaning back on his heels.

"Aww, what's wrong, Chuuya?"

"It's pouring out there. Look at you, you're soaking wet."


"You'll catch cold, you idiot. C'mere."

Dazai obeys, walking over to the redhead, who stands up from the couch.

"Wait right there."

Chuuya speedwalks off for a few minutes, returning with two towels.

"Take off your clothes."

Dazai smirks as he pulls off his soaked trenchcoat.

"Ufufu, you want me that bad, huh? Does the smell of rain turn you on, Chuuya~?"

He sneezes.

Chuuya's face flushes. "Shut up. Your clothes are soaked. You need to take them off."

Dazai shrugs and takes off the rest of his clothing, including the equally wet bandages.

Chuuya smiles softly as he watches Dazai reveal the scars adorning his body, without hesitation.

Dazai always wore those bandages. He never told anyone what he had underneath them. And yet he trusts Chuuya enough to untie them like nothing.

The redhead presses his face in between the taller man's shoulder blades and lovingly strokes him.

"You're beautiful."

He pulls away.

"And damp."

Dazai laughs hard, his shoulders tossing up with each expulsion of air in amusement. A laugh that made Chuuya fall more and more in love with him by the second.

His face flushes again as he shoves a large towel into the brunette's hands.

"J-just wrap yourself in this and dry off, idiot."

Dazai smiles as he puts the cloth around himself like a blanket. "Chuuya's such a tsundere~"

Chuuya doesn't even protest.

"Sit on the floor."

Dazai obeys.

Chuuya sits down on the couch, behind Dazai, and picks up the smaller towel he made sure to warm up nicely. He puts it on the taller man's dripping coiffure and massages the towel into his scalp.

"Your hair is like a sponge. Were you trying to get sick?

Dazai laughs again. "If I was, would you be mad?"

"I wouldn't be happy."

"I would. Because I'd have the world's best partner to nurse me back to health~"

Chuuya forces his lips to curve down and hide his smile, and begins to dry Dazai's hair a bit harder.

"You okay there?"

Chuuya snaps out of his daze. "O-oh, yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Just lost in thought."

"What does a chibi like you have to think about?"

Chuuya tugs on the man's hair.

"Ow, ow! Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please stop, that hurts!!"

Chuuya chuckles as he lets Dazai's hair out of his grasp.

Dazai sighs. "Yep. If one of us isn't pinned against the wall, it's not worth it."


Dazai tilts his head back to look into the redhead's flustered eyes.

"Aww, did I embarrass you, Chuuya?"

Chuuya pushes the back of Dazai's head so it's straightened, and he puts the towel back on his head.

"Shut up."

The two sit in silence for a bit, Dazai resting in between the shorter man's legs, cloaked in a towel, while getting massaged by a smaller towel to dry his rain-covered hair, occasionally humming in pleasure.

"Mm, that feels nice, Chuuya."

Chuuya smiles.

"I'm glad. But let this be a lesson. Don't go out in the rain without an umbrella, idiot. I don't want you catching a cold."

Dazai chuckles. "You know, Chuuya, since you became a housewife, I haven't been quite as motivated to keep myself from getting sick, especially since you started tending to me so lovingly whenever I happened to fall ill."

Chuuya blushes once more. "I-I thought I told you to shut up."

"I'll never shut up. You'll miss my voice too much~"

Chuuya closes his eyes.


Dazai laughs again. "Fufu, did Chuuya just confess to me? I'm so flattered!"

Chuuya sputters.

"Wh—confess?? That wasn't a confession, you deluded bastard!"

"If you insist~"

Chuuya removes the towel from Dazai's head and runs his fingers through his hair, now pleasantly dried.

Dazai stands up once Chuuya takes his fingers out of his hair.

"Mm, thank you, Chuuya."

He lets the towel fall from his shoulders.

It's then that Chuuya remembers that Dazai is naked. He turns away and covers his blush.

Dazai smirks. "Fufu, is little Chuuya embarrassed to see me in a state like this? I had no idea he was so shy~"

Chuuya gripes.

"Well, I'm already naked. Might as well take a shower. Care to join me?"

"I care not."

Dazai leans over Chuuya and smiles sinisterly. "Aww, come now, Chuuya. It saves time and water if we shower together~"

Chuuya avoids eye contact.

"Won't you do me this favor?"

"I just did you a favor."

"Please, Chuuya."

Chuuya sighs.

"Fine. But I'm not showering with you. Instead, let me get my salts and set up a bath."


Chuuya gets up from the couch and gathers his bath salts and scented oils. His high salary from being a mafia executive helped support his lavish lifestyle (Dazai misses the days he was able to splurge like that).

After a few minutes, he sets it up.


Alas, Dazai is already there, waiting.

"No need to yell, darling~"

Chuuya flinches a little as he pulls his shirt off.

"You really think I'd miss the chance to watch my beautiful boyfriend strip~?"

"You're disgusting."

"You only fuel it, Chuuya~"

The two climb into the tub, warm water soothing their aching joints (it was a nice change of pace from the cold rain Dazai was stranded in earlier). Chuuya slips in between the taller man's legs, and it's Dazai's turn to massage Chuuya's scalp, with the soapy dew.

"I love you, Chuuya."

Chuuya sighs into Dazai's gentle touch and closes his eyes. He feels like he could just fall asleep, in the arms of his boyfriend, his partner, his one and only, the one he trusts with his life.

"I love you too, my darling Osamu."

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