Black and White the Crest of Stars

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 The clouds lowered as we found ourselves lost in a thick black fog. "Guys!" I heard Mimi call from somewhere behind me but it was too dark to see anything. "Good luck protecting the Princess when you're all separated," DemiDevimon called from somewhere inside the fog. "Gabumon!" "Tai!" "Joe!" "Matt!" "Agumon!" "Gomamon!" "Sora!" "T.K.!" "Patamon!" "Mimi!" "Palmon!" "Yokomon!" Everyone shouted for one another. "Arashi!" I heard Morphomon shout from somewhere in front of me. "Morhpo! Digivolve!" I called. "Morhomon digivolve to Hudiemon!" there was a bright flash of light and I ran towards it as I crashed into my partner. "Arashi, are you alright?" she asked helping me up. "I think so, but we have to find the others and get out of here." I replied. "Tai!" I shouted but I didn't hear a response. In fact I couldn't hear anyone else and everyone had gone silent. "Matt!" "Mimi!" I tried but no response.

"Hudiemon?" I asked, grabbing my partner's arm as I felt a familiar feeling wash over me. "I'm here don't worry, let's try flying out of here." she said picking me up and flying high. We breached the top of the fog and I gasped at the massive cloud of fog that covered most of the open field area and lake. There was a clap of thunder from the fog and I yelped in fright as a bolt of lighting shot at us. "We have to get out of here." Hudiemon said, flapping towards the nearby forest which was untouched by fog. "But what about everyone else?" I asked when my digivice fritzed with red. "Not again." I muttered as we landed. I unclipped it from my bag and held it to the forest as the sparking began to grow stronger. "Arashi?" Hudiemon asked. "Everytime this happens..." I started as I thought back to when Tai had first disappeared and Sora and I left.

"Arashi! I'm hungry!" Morphomon whined as the two girls and their Digimon walked through the forest. "We just ate an hour ago." Sora told her. "Yeah, but that was forever ago." she whined. "You know, I'm beginning to think I spoil you." Arashi sighed, opening her bag and tossing her partner a purple apple like fruit. "Thank you." Morphomon said as the other three sighed. Just then there was a loud crash from ahead as a massive Digimon shot up from the underneath ground in front of them. The Digimon looked like blue sludge and had metal bits scattered about it along with two eyes and claw-like features and a distorted mouth with skewered teeth. "Ugh what's that smell?" Sora asked as she and Arashi covered their noses. Biyomon and Morphomon both began to back away as the Digimon lunged towards the girls. "Breath of Decay!" it called firing a gross looking gas from its mouth. The two girls rolled out of the way as the gas melted a tree that had been behind them. "That was close." Sora gasped. "You can say that again. Morpho!" Arashi shouted for her partner who was nowhere near. "Biyomon?" Sora called but no reply.

"Scar Nail!" the Digimon called as Arashi tackled Sora out of the way. "Up here." Sora said as she began climbing a tree. "I'm right behind you." Arashi said following her. The two girls sat on a branch and watched as the Digimon stalked around the bottom of the tree. "What is that thing?" Sora asked as Arashi realized something. "The Digicode!" she exclaimed, pulling it up. "Raremon a Ghost Digimon. It tried to extend its life by mechanizing its body, but it destabilized its body, and its configuration data has begun to break down to the point that all its muscles have rotted away. However, because it was given life by those machines, it will not die, and survives with a grotesque appearance. Because its body has broken down, its offensive power and mental capacity are nonexistent, and it acts on instinct. It gives off a foul stench from its entire body, so that Digimon up to the Rookie-level will simply run away, and will not be its opponent until they grow to Champion." she read. "Morphomon and Biyomon must be lower than champion level then." Sora said as Arashi closed the page. "Yeah, but now we have to find them." she sighed.

Just then the tree seemed to tip as they looked down to see Raremon spewing gas at the tree trunk. "Uh oh." "Oh no." the two girls said in unison as the tree fell over. They held onto each others as they fell to the ground. However right before they hit the ground a massive bed of flowers appeared cushioning their fall somehow. "Woah!" Sora gasped. "That was weird right? Even for the Digital World." Arashi said as they heard a growl. They looked up to see Raremon looming over top of them. "X-Scratch!" an unfamiliar voice called as a slash of power shoved Raremon away. "What was that?" Sora asked as the two girls got up. Arashi looked in the direction of the attack but nothing was there. "I... I don't know..." she replied. Something inside her stirred at that moment, a feeling odd but familiar at the same time. "I... I'm gonna go check it out." Arashi said walking towards that area of forest. "But, wait shouldn't we look for- ah!" Sora yelled as Raremon leapt on top of her.

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