The Battle for Earth

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The three angels shouted in turn as they launched their arrows at the three kids. Gabumon, Meiccomon, and Agumon watched anxiously, while Kari, T.K., and the others watched tensely. The arrows find their marks in the trio's backs, as an iridescent light explodes from where they stand. Even VenomMyotismon is startled by the force of the blast as Meicoomon, Agumon, and Gabumon are enveloped in a blinding light. "Agumon warp digivolve to WarGreymon!" "Gabumon warp digivolve to MetalGarurumon!" "Meicoomon warp digivolve to Rasielmon!"

 WarGreymon was a bipedal reptilian Digimon with a humanoid body structure. Unlike other Greymon-species Digimon, its back is not angled, giving it a human-like posture. It has orange scales covering most of its body; the only exception is its face, which is covered in gray metal, with one spike on its nose, two spikes behind its eyes, and spiky red hair on the back of its head. The shin guards, cuirass, and spiked yellow shoulder pads it wears are held in place by thick, red cable-like ropes. It holds two large, yellow three-clawed gauntlets in its hands. 

MetalGarurumon was a quadrupedal cyborg lupine automated all over the body, encased in dark blue metal. Weapon systems, like missiles, ammo, and lasers are hidden inside its body, and on its front limbs rests a pair of rocket launchers. It wears a dark blue helmet with two teeth in between with a pair of scutes on the back, and on its snout is a red nose that contains four laser sights. Its metallic joints have three spikes and its back emerges blade-like wings that release light energy. It has a blade-like tail, and its neck underbelly is coated in yellow-plated metal.

Last but not least, Rasielmon was a feminine Angel-like Digimon with feline features wearing large golden armor. The armor itself was full body, covering everything but Rasielmon's face which was hidden by a feline-shaped mask. Combined with golden gauntlets and golden metal wings both adorned with pink jewels as well as a white fur cloak and braided tail.

"It's WarGreymon! It says here his attack is Terra Force - gathering the energy around him and focusing it in the palm of his hand! And MetalGarurumon has his Metal Wolfclaw attack. He shoots a powerful cold blast at his enemies, then blows them to pieces! Last but not least Rasielmon! Possessing the mysterious power to foresee all events throughout the Digital World. Her Sefer Raziel attack brings about a miracle to exterminate the adversary. Mega Digimon! They digivolved to their Mega Digimon forms!" Izzy exclaimed. "That's great, 'cause we'll need them to beat VenomMyotismon!" Tentomon replied. "Yeah, that's for sure!" Matt agreed. "Good luck! I'll wait here." Tentomon hums backing away.

WarGreymon leaps into the air towards VenomMyotismon as he gathers energy around his body, and slams into the monstrous being, knocking him back. VenomMyotismon struggled to stay up after the force of the blow knocked him back; however, he inevitably fell onto his back as WarGreymon, MetalGarurumon, and Rasielmon chased after him. "Way to go WarGreymon! You creamed him... I think...." Izzy muttered, unable to see the result through all the dust. "Quick after them!" Daigo exclaimed as the groups hopped into the vehicles. "Look, there they go! Get after him, WarGreymon!" Tai called from the van. "Put his lights out!" Kari shouts from the back of the pickup. "You two really are siblings, huh?" Arashi chuckled.

"Ice Wolfclaw!" MetalGarurumon fires missiles at VenomMyotismon which begin encasing him in ice. "Frozen!" "Solid!" T.K. and Matt cheer. However, VenomMyotismon's icy containment soon broke apart and left him more pissed than before. "It didn't work!" MetalGarurumon growls. "My turn!" Rasielmon comments as the gems on her armor begin to glow. Behind VenomMyotismon the water from the harbor began to twist into the sky creating a vortex. The vortex slid out of the water and consumed VenomMyotismon, knocking him around and stopping him from breathing. "Remind me not to get on your bad side," WarGreymon tells Rasielmon who chuckles. The vortex soon dissipated leaving a hunched-over and sopping-wet VenomMyotismon.

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