Meeting after the pain

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Ochako's pov
I leave the dorms pissed off and wiping my tears "I hate him so much..." I mumble and cry harder as I walk slowly *bump* I look up to apologize "watch where you're going" wait...I recognize that voice I look up and see Toga in a hoodie but she didn't seem to have her regular face...she had eyebags and her hair was down and she looked....lost...?
Toga's pov
Where do I start? Ah yes, yesterday I woke up to Dabi shaking me up and handing me a backpack before leading me out of the L.O.V and telling me to never come back or else ill be killed...It turns out they have planned to kill me because I was deemed useless to them...and that pisses me off so I've been living in this old apartment by the ally and yeah it may be coming down but the old guy running it doesn't charge me much to stay. Anyways back to now, I had just come out of the convenience store to get some junk food because it's the only thing I can afford after stealing and stuff. Anyways back to right now I had been walking back home when I bumped into someone crying into their hands mumbling but when they faced me it was a person I never expected to see in this situation "Ochako..." "Toga" we both talked at the same time and she sighed and kept walking, I was going to let her go but I saw a bruise on her eye. "Hey, I know we aren't friendly, but what happened to your eye?" I asked her while my back was turned and when I look at her she started crying harder and ran to hug me "why are you hugging me? I'm a villain" I tell her and she just hugs me tighter "please...I don't want to go back..." she mumbled while crying and I immediately felt something was up but if someone sees her with me...I sigh back and look at her again "fuck...ok follow me" she held my hand and followed me back to my place. I just hope this doesn't become the norm.

Ochako's pov

*at toga's place*

I know I messed up by trusting Toga but when I heard her voice I just felt like I needed to be with her..she opens the door to her apartment and I expected her place to be a bit bigger but it looked like it could work for one person "you can sit on the couch ill prepare some tea for you...have you eaten?" I was kinda shocked that she was being nice but I slowly shook my head no and she nodded and just went back into the kitchen.

A couple of minutes pass and she comes back with a cup of tea and some instant ramen and places it on the coffee table in front of me before looking back at me "I promise you there is no poison on or in it heh believe it or not" she just played with it her fingers "don't worry I believe you..." she looked shocked that I said that and she went to her room before coming back and laying a cover and a pillow next to me "you can have the couch for tonight if you want it...ill head to my room now I know you don't want to talk about what happened..." she gently smiles at me and walks towards her room.

Toga's pov

Fuck why did I act so weird??? Whatever she's going to leave tomorrow I just need to get some rest and forget about her.

*A few hours later after they go to sleep*

I started shuffling awake after the dog from outside wouldn't stop barking its head off "for fucks sake..." I sat up and that's when I noticed someone else in my bed...wait WHAT?! Nah I need to take the couch or something I'm too gay for this. But the moment I start shuffling out of my covers I felt an arm wrap around my waist "please...don't leave me I'm scared..." ochako said that with these big puppy eyes and my heart felt like it was gonna die so I just laid back down "is it alright if i..." and she said "mhm" so with her permission I hugged her as the big spoon and she sighed and started snoring slightly and not soon afterward I felt even sleepier and soon I drifted into my own slumber

(AN/ i tried rewriting the best i could so it could make more sense as i added more emotion that's real hope yall like it)

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