Sneaking in

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Toga's Pov

Okay so now I just have to sneak in and give her the phone and leave, but how is the question? Maybe I can wear a hoodie put my hair in a loose ponytail and wear some sweatpants so I can move appropriately, one other issue is that they require an I.D. to scan and to enter the dorms. Lucky me I do have some spare I.D. from a hero I took a while back when I was evil. Oh ironically it's my dear Ochakos I.D well she is about my height so I guess that could work but I need to wear a wig...hmm I have some wigs upstairs so I'm going to get one

*A couple of minutes later and a wig later*

Ok, I should be ready to sneak in now! I started to walk outside as I was holding her phone and she had a password but due to the fingerprints left on her screen and some attempts at getting in I finally unlocked it and she had a lot of pictures hm oh! a new text message *Where the hell are you? I'm going to kill your ass when you get back and fucking beat you to the fucking ground" ok what the fuck who is even texting her?! No...anyone but him...Izuko...*I'm going to kill you if this is true.* Ok back to the mission I finally was closer to the school dorms and I could tell there was a lot of security outside, fuck I don't know which room is hers. Oh! I have an idea I can text one of her friends, I scrolled through her contacts to see if there was any clue before I texted them until I found one, hm it's Jirou alright let's give it a shot *Hey girl can you come to knock on my door and tell me to head to the balcony it's for a project!* there hopefully she buys it and does it, now I just wait

*five minutes later*

I saw Ocha head out on her balcony and it seems she's on floor 3 OK good I can just head up there now

Ochako's Pov

Okay, so Jirou just told me to head to my balcony so I did. Nothing was out there so I just headed back in and sat on my bean bag before I loaded up my PS5 and started playing some horror game I saw in the store, as I was getting to the semi-scary part someone knocked on my door and I just yelled: "It's open!" I swear to god I was so fucking focused I didn't even notice that it was someone that I didn't recognize before they took their hood and wig off, I noticed that it was Toga and my hero training kicked in I used my quirk and she started wiggling around trying to grasp herself in zero gravity "OCHA ITS ME" I finally noticed it was her and I started laughing a bit. "OMG I'M SO SORRY I just hahaha my hero training kicked in and I omg" I started laughing harder as Toga kept grasping for something to grab on and that's when I let her down finally and she sighed "Thank you ocha" I dust her off and just hum happily as a response. "So what are you doing here?" I asked her confused and she just showed me my phone. "You forgot this at my place this morning" She handed it to me and I just fell silent *she came all this way just to give me my phone?* I looked back at her as she stared at me with those eyes of hers. "Welp since I gave you your phone back I have no reason to be here so I'm gonna go before one of your hero friends finds out I'm here by wal-" she immediately slid under my bed as soon as Jirou walked in, "hey girl you ok? I heard another voice in here". I panicked a bit and just told her "No I was on a call with a friend because she forgot her hoodie here" I swear I was sweating bullets. "But I don't see a hoodie here unless it's the one you wearing?" she asked me confused and kinda suspicious of my lie so I just nodded my head "Yeah it is this one it just smells like her perfume so I put it on cuz I liked it" I lied again but that seemed to throw her off as she shrugged and said ok and just walked out. 

Toga's Pov

I heard someone coming so I just slid under her bed hoping they didn't see me and that she was lying to whoever was coming in. *I should not be here, I could have just left it outside or something but no I had to come in here because I...* I had no clue why I came to see her, I just wanted to. To be honest, I don't even know why I let her crash at my place...fuck I just need to get out of here. "pst she's gone, you can come out now" she whispered and I came out from under the bed and immediately jumped out the balcony and started running as fast as my legs could take me. I started thinking to myself *why did I go to her, why didn't I just kill her? Am I catching feelings? No, I can't be because they feel different...could these be genuine and not me crazing over someone? UGH, what is happening to me...I need to stay away from her.* I kept running until I made it to my place. I walked up the stairs, unlocked my door, walked in, just threw the door closed, and threw myself on my couch confused about what happening with my feelings, one thing for sure though is that I needed to stay away from her or else I might fall for a hero.

??? Pov


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