Chapter 5: Kudajira Vs Demon Godzilla

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(A/N: hello readers welcome to Chapter 5, let's get serious and get the battle started, so i want to put out something that i may already said, this is story is completely fanmade meaning that some of new abilities given to Kudajira that we haven't seen in the Kenshin Chaos episodes are not canon. Now let's begin)

3rd P.O.V

(A/N: music)

"Kudajira seemed to arrived in good time before Demon Godzilla could destroy Mecha Gigan and kill Chris who was still unconscious although at the same time he interrupted the demonic king of the monsters who only glared at him and then spoke"

Demon Godzilla: if you're here to stop me then you'll just be wasting your life

"Kudajira growls as he glares at the demonic monster and get's in fighting pose ready for the battle"

Demon Godzilla: so you want to challenge me ? Very well. Consider this your last time living

"The demonic king of the monsters let out a loud roar as he then fires his Atomic Breath at Kudajira who only proceeded to take the hit but did not stagger or even feel pain as Demon Godzilla stopped firing his Atomic Breath when he noticed it. Demon Godzilla decided to go for a close to close combat as he extended his claws making them longer and sharper and then proceeded to teleport, Kudajira looked around trying to see where the demonic monster went and where he was going to strike and it seems that he knew where he was going to pop out. Demon Godzilla reappeared right in front of Kudajira as he tried to slash him but Kudajira managed to dodged, Demon Godzilla tried again to slash him but Kudajira blocks it with his arm as his left hand began to glow and he proceeded to put it on the demonic monster's chest and fires his lighting beam which pushed Demon Godzilla backwards and causes him to roars in pain as he then crashes on a building and falls on the ground. Demon Godzilla stood up although he couldn't seem to move while he was growling in pain, it was clear to Kudajira that he had found his weakness so he fires another lightning beam hitting the demonic king of the monsters and causing him to roar in agonizing pain. Demon Godzilla ends up falling to his knees as he breathes heavily, Kudajira took this opportunity to attack as he runs towards him but Demon Godzilla wasn't going to let himself be outsmarted by another monster, he roars loudly as tentacles came out of his back and they were going straight to Kudajira in an attempt to stab him but Kudajira managed to dodge two tentacles but get's impaled in the arms by two other tentacles causing him to roar in pain"

Demon Godzilla: you fight well but let's see if you survive this

"Demon Godzilla then proceeded to lift him and then throws him as he crashes to a building, the demonic king of the monsters then ensnared one of his tentacles around his leg and then lifts him and slams him to the ground will full force. The demonic monster then began to lift numerous buildings with his tentacles and throws them at Kudajira which crash down on him leaving a huge pile on him, his dorsal spines began to glow as he then fires his Atomic Breath at Kudajira which then caused a massive explosion and leaves a huge smoke, it seems that the demonic king of the monsters was victorious but it turns out to be wrong when he saw two red glowing eyes in the smoke and then a red laser beam was going straight for him hitting him and going through his neck causing him to cough blood out of his mouth but he was able to survive the attack by healing himself. Kudajira runs out of the smoke and straight towards him while Demon Godzilla also charges towards Kudajira as both monsters decided to go for a physical combat, Kudajira punched Demon Godzilla straight in the face while the demonic king of the monsters retaliated by hitting Kudajira's chest with his tail. Demon Godzilla's dorsal spines began to glow while Kudajira's mouth also starts glowing, they both fired their attacks which ends up colliding and then causing a huge explosion"

(A/N: end of the music)

"The explosion destroyed a few buildings and left a huge smoke and when the smoke finally faded away, Kudajira was still standing while Demon Godzilla was on the ground with his head completely blown up although of course he wasn't dead as he stood up and his head grew back however he was somewhat exhausted from the battle and glared at Kudajira"

Demon Godzilla: you may have won this battle but i'll come back to finish the war

"The demonic king of the monsters ends up teleporting away and was not seen again, Kudajira had won the battle and it seems that he was going to leave but not before noticing something"

Chris P.O.V

"Chris had finally regained his consciousness and although his vision was a bit blurry, he was still able to move and took control over Mecha Gigan who stood up back to it's feet, Chris's vision was getting better and he was now able to see and what he saw first made his eyes widen. Kudajira was standing right in front of Mecha Gigan glaring at the robot as well as the human inside it, Chris jumped when he saw this new monster right in front of him however when he blinked once, Kudajira suddenly disappeared and was no where to be seen"

Chris: w-what ? What the hell happened ?

To be continued.

(A/N: that's all for this chapter hope you enjoy and i'll see you guys next time)

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