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OLiver's POV

the next day I had woken up with a weird feeling in my stomach. Probably just nerves I kept on telling myself. I forgot to ask Y/n how late we should go to Hogsmeade. Lucky I saw Hermione Granger in the common room. I had asked her to ask y/n. After a few minutes she came in. "is after lunch okay?" I nodded and Hermione walked back.

I rushed to the great hall. The twins had pulled a prank on flitch so naturally they were the highlight of the day. "you two with me, now"

they looked up. "why"


I walked back. "Wood, what is it"

"I asked her on a date"

they stood stil "well what did she say"

"she said yes, and I have no clue what to do, so help"

the twins looked at eachother and then back at me. shit why did I ask them for help. They walked back to the common room. They were so exited, I think even more then me. they rushed to my closet. "okay Wood, it is quite rainy so, let's see" Fred turned my entire warderobe upside down. Eventually he came out with a black pants, a orange shirt and a black coat" I had no clue I had that in my closet but I liked it.

"okay, so now comes the hardes part" George said.

"what's the hardest part" I was almost afraid to ask

"making you not completely awkward"

I sighed. "can we at least get breakfast first"

"no, we are going to need all the time we have"

and they did, a whole 3 hours of the twins telling me what I can do and can't do. they joked around a bit but were quite serious, as far as the twins can be serious.

Oliver wasn't at breakfast which made me slightly nervous. The twins were also nowere to be found. But after breakfast I walked into the common room and heard Oliver and George's voice comming out of the boy's room.

I walked into mine and looked in my closet. It was a cold day so I decided to wear a pair of black skinny jeans. A red sweater. I finished off with my black sneakers and the necklace Oliver gave me. I also added my favourite parfum.

I looked at my hair and grabbed my wand. I peformed a spell which staighted it. I brushed my theeth and I was pretty much done. I looked at the clock, Lunch whould start it 30 minutes. Hermione rushed in. Tears in her eyes. "oh god, no what happend"

she ran into my chest and cried, "ron, he-he was kissing some-some girl"

"he did what"

I was abosolutly furious. "tell me I can beat the shit out of him"

"n-no please don't"

"oh I swear to god Hermione, he is dead to me. Why whould he do that"

my blood was boiling. I hugged her tight. "who was he kissing"

"I thin- think her name is Lavender Br-brown"

I made a discust face, laverder was known for being really clammy in relationships. "c'mon let's go eat somthing"

we walked to the great hall. Oliver was already sitting there with the twins. we were almost wearing the same if it wasn't for the collars. "you look beaufiful" he said as I sat down. he pulled me closer and gave me a kiss on my cheek. The doors of the great hall went open again, Ron and Lavender walked in. I quickly moved a bit away from Oliver making sure there was no place to sit for them. "uhm y/n chould you move a bit please" Ron voices sounded a bit sad but I coudn't care. "so Oliver, were should we go in Hogsmeade then" I said turning to Oliver. Completely ignoring Ron's question. "y/n c'mon"

Olivier looked at me confused and so did the twins. I sighed and turned around. "no ronald Weasley, you don't dump MY best friend for nothing and then show up the same day with some girl and expect me to still be nice to you, so go sit somewere else"

George had hugged Hermione and Fred gave Ron some dirty looks as they walked away.

"great start of the day" Fred said joking. Oliver took my hand under the table. "wanne go?" he said. I finished my last bit of food and nodded.
We walked to Hogsmeade together he linked his hands in mine and walked in the tree broomsticks. "what do you want?"

"a butterbeer please"

he nodded and walked away, I chose a table in the back. After a while Oliver got back with 2 butterbeers in his hand. "here you go"

I smiled. "thank you"

we sat there for more then an hour, we talked all about his familly and how he got into quiddich. I didn't talk as much about my familly as much as he did. "so, how do you feel about you're father then" he asked. I could tell he had doubted to ask it.

"well, I don't understand him, I don't get why someone who force there own child to marry someone, I mean for god sake I am sixteen turning seventeen in a week"

he nodded. "well i'm happy you get to spent Spring break with me"

I smiled. "yeah, me too"

"uhm, you're brother is staying with us too, right?"

I nodded, "if it's not okay he could ask Blaise if he can stay there"

"oh no, he is more then welcome"

he got up, "come on I wanne show you somthing"

I got out a few galeons out of my pocket to pay but he quickly stoped me "not a chance that you are paying"

"are you sure"

he nodded "more then sure"

he payed for the drinks and opened the door for me. "thank you" I said with a smile on my face. He took my hand again and walked trough Hogsmeade. Until he stopped in front of a big building. "what's this"

as he opend the door the smell of candy fillled my nostrils. "welcome to the twins favourite shop"

I remembered the shop a little, George had took me here a few times in 4th year. I looked around, they had Muggle sweets but wizards sweets as well. Me and Oliver bumbed into a little boy. "hey" he said as he looked at Oliver "you're Gryffindor captain right?"

Oliver nodded. The boy opened his mouth as he looked at me and back at Oliver. "wow" was all he said as he ran back to a woman. "you're a celebertiy Oliver" I said with a grin on my face. "oh shut it"

I leaned in and kissed him. "never"

I bought a few chocolate frogs and some muggle sweets called lollypops. After that Oliver and I walked back to the caslte. We took the long way back trough a part of the forest, we walked past the lake. Until he stopped walking. "what's wrong"

"Uhm- you will be meeting my dad"

I gulped, I never met his dad or mom 'yea"

"it's not just because of that but uhm- I was, wondering."

A blush spread over his whole face.

"if you- wanted to be my girlfriend" he looked at me, I could tell he was very nervous.

I sprong into his arms. "of course il be you're girlfriend"

he clapped his hands around my waist. "really?"

I nodded "yes of course"

he kissed me and slowly sat me back down. "I was so nervous to ask"

"oh really, I coudn't tell" I said smiling.

Oliver wood was my boyfriend

OH MY GODDDDDD, this was by far my favourite chapter ever.

So what do you guys think what should happend when y/n meets mr Wood cuz idk.

writing the next chapter as we speak

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