-I love you-

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I rushed to my room with tears in my eyes. Why did he have to be like that. I changed into my sweats and grabbed my paper and fetter

Dear mom
I am happy to hear you escaped dad. In two days I will go home to grab my remaining stuff and leave forever. Thank you for allowing Adrien to date a muggle born I can tell she makes him very happy. As for me. Oliver and I are not on the best terms right now, he is very focused on quidditch. I hope we make up so we can leave at good terms. I miss you and please be safe.

Y/n Pucey

I rolled the letter up and turned to my owl

"to mum"

And he flew off, suddenly Angelina sprinted in my room. "Y/n come fast Oliver fell off his broom." I stood up immediately and followed her to the Hospital wing. I gasped. Oliver was laying on the first bed. His whole right face was red and a cut on his forehead. He slowly opened his eyes. "Y/n?" He said softly. Tears formed in my eyes. "yes"

he opend his eyes a bit more and I sat down at the end of his bed. "sorry" was all he said. "i'm sorry to" I said almost crying

he smilled a bit. "so you ar-" I cut him off "Oliver you need to rest"

he sighed. "stay"

I nodded. I stayed the rest of the day. I studied a bit but mostly talked to Oliver. "how did it even happend" I asked after a while. A nurse came to stand next to Oliver's bed and gave him a little bottle. he drank it and immidiatly felt a bit better "you need to stay here 3 more hours mr Wood"

Oliver nodded and sat up straight. "I was thinking about you, didn't saw the bulger comming"

I moved from the end of the bed and sat down next to him. "I don't forget that you're my girlfriend I just- I don't know how to-"

"I understand" was all I said and I lay down next to him, my head on his shoulder and his hand on my back. "how did I get so lucky" he wispered. I smiled against his chest and slowly fell asleep.

Oliver's POV

she was sleeping against my chest I almost fell asleep as well but the twins walked in. As soon as they saw y/n laying on my chest they moved quietly and sat down at the 2 seats next to my bed. "oh little boy Oliver is in love"

"be quiet you two" I hissed making sure not to move too much. The twins looked at eachother then back at me "you gotta tell her you love her mate"

"I- stop it, you are going to wake her up" the twins left some chocolate frogs and left again. After half an hour Y/n woke up "uh- did I fell asleep"

I gave her a kiss on her head "yep"

"lovely" she mumbeld. Her hair was messy and her make up was blend all over her eyes. I laughed a bit at the sight. "what" she asked confused. She grabbed a little mirror in her bag. As soon as she saw herself she grabbed her wand and fixed it. She looked at the chocolate frogs and then at me.

"can I-"

"yes take as much as you like"

she giggeld like a little child and then grabbed 3 chocolate frogs. She handed one out to me and ate the other 2 herself.

the other 2 hours went by quick, y/n telling me about her mother and how she used to steal her moms make up and put in on Adrien at night. I laughed at the idea of Adrien going to breakfast with make-up on without knowing. I told her about my dad, how he was also a quiddich captain. I tried not to talk about quiddich but she didn't seem to mind. "uhm- y/n about quiddich, will you come back to the team please"

she sighed. "I don't know Oliver, I have a lot of things. I was always late to practice I barley have time for meetings. I have a lot of homework-"

"please, just for this year"

she laughed. "so you can win as captain and then leave the school"

I sighed "I want to win as captain at least one time and this is my final year"

she got up "fine"

I sat up straight and gave her a hug "thank you"

after that the nurse came in and told me I was dissmist. Y/n walked me back to the common room, Angelina was sitting there "oh god there you are Oliver"

Y/n didn't even look at her. "y/n is somthing wrong" Angelina asked. Y/n sighed "you kissed Comac, I though you were with Fred"


"I know I shouldn'nt be mad about it but he liked you and I don't like to see him sad"

Anglina nodded, "I understand, I'm sorry but I don't think I like Fred in that way anymore" Y/n nodded and after a few minutes of talking Angelina walked out again. "you're the best friend someone can ask for you know, you care so much about them"

she smiled "there like brothers"

I stumbeld to my room and lay on my bed. "oh this bed is so much nicer"

She quickly pulled off her shoes and went to lay next to me. "I agree"

we looked at eachoter, neither of us saying a word.

"I love you Oliver"

I smiled "and I love you"


sorry sorry sorry for the short chapter but AHHH.

thank you all for reading I know it's not much but one hundered reads EEKK THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH. I hope you will continue this story and let me know what you think, don't forget to leave a comment or a star (or both)

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