-captain and a small room-

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Y/n's POV

The next day I woke up at the loud sound that came from the common room. I sighed and slowly got up and got my school clothes on.

I was putting my robe on when the twins bursted in, both of them wearing a big smile. Fred lifted me up "WE DID IT, WE ARE DONE" they screamedd in unsion. I laughed and gave them both a big hug. "I'm so pround of you" I said trying to hold back my tears.

"c'mon let's get breakfast" they said, both of them grabbing one of my arms and rushing me out of the room.

As we arrived at breakfast the whole great hall was buzing with excitement , people were hugging and crying saying goodbye to everywon.

I said goodbye to the twins and walked over to the Slytherin table. Adrien and his friends were standing on the table, singing goodbye songs. I laughed and locked eyes with Markus, I quickly looked away. "ah there she is" Adrien said and pulled me up on the table. "As much as I hate to admit it, i'm going to miss you little one"

I laughed at the nickname. I gave him a hug. "i'm not going to miss you"

he let out a loud laugh. "come visit me will you"

"mail me the address buddy"

He looked at me seriously. "were will you stay for the break"

"I was thinking about asking Fred and George"

he nodded "you're always welcome to visit Cass and I'

My jaw dropped. "you're living togheter?"

he smiled proudly "yep"

he gave me one last hug before sitting down and eating some food.

I walked back to the Gryffindor table, to find the twins and the rest of the quiddich team to be celebrating.

I smiled and sat down next to Hermione.

After a while professor Dumbeldore stood up. "attention please"

All students calmed down and sat down at there place. "now, we are here to all say goodbye to our 7th years"  a loud cheer from all the tables was heard before the professor spoke again. "I believe we do have some businiss to handle with the quiddich teams"

Another cheer was heard. "since our Gryffindor captain Oliver Wood is finishing with school he must give us another captain, Mr Wood?"

Oliver stood up and looked around, first at me, less then a second later he looked at Angelina and Katie, then at Harry "well uh, I have decided that the new captain is-" he was quiet for a second and then looked at me "y/n Pucey"

The Gryffindor table cheered and even a few of the Slytherin's. I smiled and mouthed a thank you to Oliver who gave me a smile back.

"now for the moment you have all been waiting for, I can proudly say that the winner of this year quiddich cup, with 8 wins and 2 lost, Gryffindor"

The whole table jumped up, I joined all of our teammates and we began to hug everywon. I looked at Oliver and without thinking I clapped my hands our his neck and hugged him. "You did it" I wispered in his ear. "not without a little help" he wispered back. I smiled and then pulled away from the hug. George lifted me up while Fred lifted Angelina up and we all cheered.

"now, enjoy you're last day here and I expect everywon to be ready after lunch to go back to you're parents" Dumbeldore finished his speech and the golden plates before us filled with food. We all sat back down and began eating.

I was immidatly attacted with questions. "who is going to be you're two new beaters, do you think you're a better captain then Wood, who will replace Wood as keeper, when will the tryout starts"

I anwered most of them, I looked over that the twins who was having a conversation with Oliver"

I stood up and walked over to them. "I- uh wanne thank you Oliver"

he smiled at me "I did promise it didn't I"  I gave him a smile back. "yes, but I figured with everything going on you might wanted another team captain, and again congratulations on winning the quiddich cup"

Suddenly Fred and George stood up and exused themselfs from the table. I took the change to sit down next to Oliver. "you need to help me, how do I know who to pick for the team, I mean there are so many players leaving and I want to make a good team and I- ugh"

I slammed my head on the table. Oliver laughed and placed a hand on my shoulder "you're a good leader you will be fine, when you see a good player you will know" We talked for a bit more before Oliver suddenly stopped talking and looked back at his food. "what is it"  I asked not knowing what was going on. "it's uh Flint. He is looking at us"

I laughed "okay well good for him, can't I talk to you"

"y/n, I-"

suddenly it went all pitch black, I could feel myself getting to another room, I screamed out for help and went through all the situations that could go wrong, what if my father escaped, what if my mother faked leaving dad and it was all just some master plan. I was terrified. Suddenly the weird feeling stopped and I could feel my feet on the ground and a piece of fabric in front of my eyes. "what the bloody hell is going on what the fuck" I screamed.

"y/n?" Oliver's voice was confused. "what the bloody hell happend why can't I see anything"

"how am I suppost to know"

A short laughter was heard. "you head that too ?" I asked. nothing was heard. "Oliver?"

"yeah yeah I heard, sorry I nodded" I laughed. As I opened my mouth to say somthing the fabric before my eyes dissapeard. I looked around. It was a small room, the whole roof made of glass. A blanket on the ground with some food and flowers it was absolutely beautiful. I looked behind me. Oliver was staring at me his mouth wide open. "what" i asked confused. I looked down at my body and let out a silent gasp. I was wearing a red tight and very short dress, some black heels and my golden snitch necklace. I then looked back at Oliver he was wearing a black suit, with a dark red tie.

"you look uh- breathtaking" he quietly said.

"could say the same of you" I wispered. "did you do this" I then asked looking around the room. He shook his head no.

"then who did?"


the end is comming close, again if you have any ideas please do let me know I have like 0 ideas and I do want a spectacular end.

btw lots of people have told me Oliver is scottich ( shame on me for not knowing)  so I am currently reading to change all the times I said irish, i'm sorry about that.

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