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Three days later, I searched for Nathan's ID on Facebook and holding my breath, sent him a friend request. Just like my dear friend Phoebe advised. I was dying of embarrassment but I also decided to just grit my teeth and do it.

I didn't dare to check my phone until evening and I, very ecstatically, saw that he had accepted.

'Nathan Frazier accepted your friend request.' Even that sentence alone looked like a pure blessing.

Against my better judgement, I messaged him that very night with shaky fingers.

"Hi... I hope you remember me from the chemistry class. You lent me your notes three days ago?"

The reply didn't come immediately, almost two hours later to be exact. This excruciating two hours was filled with millions of anxious predictions and irrational thoughts.

"Yes, I remember you. Why do you keep thinking that I have such a bad memory?"

I facepalmed. That was the question I was asking myself too, along with 'why do I keep making myself look like a bonehead every time?'

"Oh sorry." Seriously, can I be any more boring?!

"It's ok. I was just joking. Are you finished though? I kinda need my notes before Monday. I have an exam, you see."

Finals were almost three months away but of course, it was Nathan Frazier. Of course, he needed it months before the exams.

"Yeah, I'm done. We don't have any more classes before Monday. We can meet on Sunday so that I can return these?" I typed with trembling fingers and waited with bated breath. 

"You can give me them back on Monday morning before the class. I don't wanna bother you."

'What a gentleman-- wait...

Did he not want to meet me alone or something...' I felt something heavy fall in my stomach and my mouth felt dry.

"Oh, it wouldn't be a bother. I want to thank you in person too, for helping me." 'Did I come off too desperate?'

"Oh it was no problem. But if you're free then we can meet Sunday. What time are you free?"

"I'm free all Sunday."

"Then let's meet around 10 am? Where?"

"Sure. How about the coffee shop near our school? 'Maroon Cup'?"

"Ok. See you then."

After that he went offline immediately, probably went back to studying, and I fell back on my bed, clasped my pillow on my face and let out a muffled squeal.


With fidgety hands and careful steps I entered the coffee shop. 

I wanted to wear something pretty and feminine but after Phoebe said that I shouldn't change myself for someone else, especially a crush I just started talking to so I stuck to my typical casual attire but with a bit toned down version- faded mom jeans, black t shirt and red sneakers.

After I got in, I spotted him nowhere in the room. He was late.

I took a table of two beside the window and waited for him. He came after five minutes.

"Hi. Sorry, did you wait for too long?" He asked me with an apologetic smile. 

"No, I just came in here too." I said with a smile.

He sat down and ordered an americano- just what I imagined him to be- dark and mysterious. And I ordered a hazelnut latte with extra cream and sugar. 

While he talked to the waiter, I shamelessly gawked at him. Even in a simple dark green full sleeved t shirt and dark jeans, he looked effortlessly better than all the guys I've ever seen. His jet black hair looked a bit messy yet perfect at the same time. He also wore a black rimmed glass today which he never wore in class and honestly, it just made him look even cuter.

Was I drooling? I quickly looked away before he turned to me.

"So, how's it going?" He asked politely when he saw my mouth failed to produce any word.

"Oh I'm doing good. What 'bout you?" I said hastily.

"I'm fine too."

"Saw your name on the Inter School Debate Championship. How's it going?"

"It's really stressing me out honestly. And finals are coming too..." He said with a cute frown.

I knew he was in the debate club, the whole school knew. He was our debate star. "Finals are months away though."

"Yeah but I'm behind on some things." His deep voice with British accent was making me lose my concentration in the conversation. 

"You are behind on things?!" I cackled.

"What do you mean?" He blinked and my obnoxious laughter died down instantly. 

I gulped. "No, I just thought kids like you didn't have any problems with studying..."

"Kids like me?" He frowned.

"I meant smart kids." I said as I looked away from his intense gaze. Was he offended? I was complimenting him though...

"Ah," He said nothing else. "It doesn't have anything to do with it."

I quickly took out the notes from my bag. "Here. Thanks."

"Of course. You're welcome."

An awkward silence took place between us until the waiter came and served us our drinks. Not wanting to continue this awkward silence any more, I started talking quickly.

"Did you see the game last night? I totally thought they weren't gonna miss the penalty this time!" I said.

"You like soccer?" He said, looking amused. Not that degrading kind of amused like 'oh you're a girl and you watch soccer?' But he looked genuinely interested. 

I gave him a nod, smiling.

"Yeah, I thought so too. But glad they did though and we won!" Then he gave me the most dazzling smile I've ever seen in my whole life.

I was seeing a lot of things for the first time in my life today and I think I was dying a little every time. 

"No way! You're a RMA fan?" I gasped.

He nodded chuckling and did I have to mention that it was the best sound I've ever heard in my life? Because it was. "And I take that you're a FCB fan?"

"Since birth."

He laughed again and I've never felt so accomplished before. "But everyone should stop blaming them though. I mean even everyone has one or two weak points, right?" He said.

"Exactly. They might have the greatest lineup of all time but everyone can have a bad day or something."

"Oh, gotta stop you there. They're a great team but not the greatest. Because that's RMA for sure." He smirked.

I glared at him before I started my argument with all my heart.

That day, we even ended up having lunch together.


Word count: 1049

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