Chapter 16

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Standing there, we just stared at each other. I didn't know or understand what it was that made her shut down the way she did and it had me a bit concerned.

"She told you didn't she?"

"No. I want to know why you acted like that though?"

Sighing heavily, she took off the light and took my hand as we walked back to the living room.

Sensing the tension in the air, I figured it had to be something serious for both of them to be like this.

"I can tell whatever it is, is somethinf big and I'm not trying to make anyone feel uncomfortable." I spoke. "I came here today because, I honestly want to be with you exclusivly and I know your grandma is important to you."

"She has cancer." Misty blurted out.

When the words had registered, my entire mood had shifted. Looking between the both of them it was a shock.


"Yes. I was diagnosed three years ago and since then, I've been her main focus." Syl admitted.

I was finally understanding why Misty was so reserved and quiet. All while her grandmother spoke, she just sat there quietly until she just got up and left.

"That's why she keeps to herself huh?"

"Baiscally. She was always an introvert but my diagnosis made it worse. Which is why I'm trying to get her to come out of that shell and enjoy life. I don't want her wasting it away on me."

"She lives for you so regardless she would do what she has to do."

"I know but still. I know y'all are just in that talking stage so I'm sure she has opened up to you especially if you are sitting here." She joked.

"Yeah we both have actually. And she told me about her only relationship and all that. So that's why I found it odd the way she reacted just now."

"She told you about her and Jamal? Wow, she must really be into you." She sat back.

Repeating the name in my head, it clicked. I was hoping it wasn't the same person, but I needed to find out.

"Um. I'm gonna go check on her.

Saying a simple ok, I got up and left the apartment. Looking to my right, she sat on the steps looking at me.

"You good?" I sat next to her.

"I'm fine." She wiped her face and exhaled.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't like talking about it."

"I understand but given the fact that we've been getting to know each other, you don't think I would have empathized with you?"

Putting her attention on me, I laughed.

"Yea I know words too." I smiled.

"It's not that I didn't think that."

"Then what was it then?"

"I didn't want you to think I wanted anything from you because I don't."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"It means that, in most cases like this, people think that the regular person wants something which I don't, so I chose not too."

"Regular person?"

"You know what I mean Aug so please don't try to be difficult."

"Alright, you're right. I do know what you mean, but I don't care. You're far from regular and I would have never thought that of you."

"I'm sorry for prejudging you."

"Apology accepted." I held her hand. "Listen Misty, I know this would be new to you and I honestly don't mind. I know what I want and that's you."

"I just. This is just me. I keep to myself to prevent any kind of hurt happening."

"I know but I just want you understand that and the fact that I'm not going to mess up like your ex did. By the way. Why didn't you tell me he was your neighbor?"

"She told you?"

"She said his name and it clicked. What's tha deal with you an him?"

"There isn't anything going on. Like I've said, I help out with his daughter from time to time. Our breakup was bad but I got over it and it is what it is now."

"He tried anything since because I'm not going to doubt the fact that he is probably still feeling you."

"He still does. He admitted it but I told him I was speaking to someone and it was a work in progress so he said he would fall back."

"I hope he does because I'm not trying to get my hands dirty."

"Knowing Jamal, he will and he has. Despite how we broke up, he just wants me to be happy. He knows what I have to deal with home here and how it gets to me so." She shrugged.

"Why y'all broke up?" I asked genuinely.

"He cheated on me with his now daughter's mother."

"Nigga fucked up. His loss, my gain." I shrugged. "Is there anything else your keeping from me."

"No." She shook her head. "Oh wait. There is one, well two other things. One of them I'm not ready to talk about now."

"Aight, well whenever you're ready, I'm all ears."

"Thank you."

"Now what's the other thing?"

"I want to be with you too. Something about you is just tell me to take the chance and as nervous as I an about it, I just have these feelings for you that I can't seem to shake."

"Well with that being said, Misty would you be my girl, officially?" I removed my chain with the cross pendant.

"Yes I would." She laughed as I put it on her.

"I'll get you a matching one so just rock this for now."

"You don't have too."

"I know but I want to. Now come on, let's go back inside."

Standing up, I held out my hand for her. Taking it, I pulled her up and into me.

"Just be honest with me at all times, that's all I ask." She looked me in my eyes.

"That's all I'm going to be babe."

"I mean it Aug. Even if you think it might hurt my feelings, still tell me so we can talk it out and if you feel like it's not working out between us, just say."

"Like I said, we're getting married in Italy so shit gonna work up." I kissed her.

"Mmm." She moaned against my lips.

"For some reason, I believe you." She smiled as she pulled back.


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