Chapter 17

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"Sheila Marie Blair."

Hugging my mother from behind, I kissed her on her cheek making her laugh.

"Boy what is wrong with you." She got out of my embrace, laughing.

"I'm happy, that's all." I smiled and shrugged.

Its been a couple weeks since Misty and I made things official and it was going great. Since that Sunday, it was as though everything had fallen into place.

"What have you so happy?" We hugged properly. "I missed you."

"I missed you too. And well, my girl." I smirked.

"You're girl? Who is that?"

Following her into the kitchen, I sat while she went back to cooking. I hadn't told her about Misty yet but I was ready now.

"So who is this girl that you're claiming to be yours?"

"Her name is Misty and she lives in New York."

"OK and how long have y'all been together."

"About two weeks now, since that Sunday we spoke."


Placing my plate in front of me, she sat with hers. Blessing the table, we then ate.

"So yes, back to this mystery girl." She joked.

"She's so beautiful momma and I mean that, inside and out. Like her personality just have her glowing."

"Oh wow. Well do you have a picture of her?"

"Sorry." I laughed

Getting my phone out of my pocket, I got a picture and showed her.

"She really is naturally beautiful."

"Yea." I went back to eating.

"Is she mixed though? She has some stroking features."

"What you mean?" I smirked.

"Well for one, her nose is somewhat like Italian noses."

"You think so?" I took back my phone.

"Yea. Momma know feature son."

"Well you're somewhat right. She is mixed with German and Italian."

"That's some strong backgrounds."

Nodding, we continued eating while we spoke some more. I couldn't hell but smile when I spoke about Misty and my mother saw the happiness in me.

"As long as you're happy, I support you and this relationship."

"Thank you momma."



"When am I getting to meet her?" She smiled.

"Give me a minute."

Getting my phone out, I facetimed Misty.

"Yes August?" She laughed.

"Why you gotta answer like that?"

"Because your call came in exactly when I just clocked out."

"Oh dang." I laughed.

"Yup. So what's up babe, what can I do for you?"

"Many things baybeh." I smirked.

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