[ 9 ] like friends do

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"YOU THINK YOU SMELT BLOOD?!" Aspen whisper-shouted as she and her two idiot best friends roamed around the hospital

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"YOU THINK YOU SMELT BLOOD?!" Aspen whisper-shouted as she and her two idiot best friends roamed around the hospital.

"I mean, technically yes, but something felt odd about it." Scott replied.

Stiles nodded his head in the direction of a door, Aspen turned to see the sign reading 'morgue', and so the McCall boy split ways with the pair, leaving Stiles and Aspen to wait in the main area.

Not knowing how long they would be there, they walked over to where the seats were. Aspen turned her head around the corner to see a mop of strawberry blonde locks, and prayed Stiles wouldn't notice her presence and make her endure yet another Lydia Martin rant.

But her praying was no use.

As soon as Stiles turned his head in the direction of the redhead, he instantly scratched the back of his neck nervously and began freaking out, which didn't go unnoticed by the brunette beside him.

"Oh my god..." Stiles whispered as he freaked out. Aspen, not wanting to be a part of whatever he was about to do, took a seat, around the corner so she didn't have to physically watch this, though she could still hear.

"Hey, Lydia..." Stiles started, leaning his arm up against the wall, making Aspen's heart sink and roll her eyes at the same time. "You probably don't remember me... umm, I sit behind you... in biology?" Stiles continued, and as much as Aspen wanted to distract herself with the medical pamphlet in her hands, she couldn't help herself from turning her head around the corner and force herself to watch this train wreck. She noticed Lydia was looking in his direction, so hey, maybe she actually was listening to him.

"Uh anyway, I've always thought we've sort of had this connection? Unspoken, of course." Stiles rambled, causing a frown to appear on Aspen's face, though he had his back to her. "Maybe it would be kind of cool to... get to know each other... a little better."

"Hold on a second." said the strawberry blonde, taking out what looked like an ear piece, or maybe headphones. "Yeah I didn't get any of what you just said." said Lydia, infuriating the brunette around the corner. "Is it worth repeating?"

"No." Stiles laughed nervously, and Aspen found herself conflicting between feeling sorry for him, or somewhat being glad about the situation that just occurred. But she felt guilty even thinking about that conversation as a good thing, Stiles is her best friend and the girl he's in love with barely knows his name.

"Sorry..." he added, stumbling away and falling into the seat next to Aspen, who was already watching him. He snapped his neck in her direction, looking puzzled at her when he noticed she was watching the entire thing. Aspen nervously faced her head down and pretended to read the pamphlet in front of her.

"You were watching that?" said Stiles.

"I don't know why you would think that. I'm reading." she lied.

Cross Your Mind , Stiles Stilinski ¹ ✓ Where stories live. Discover now