[ 45 ] what will the trigger be?

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"WHAT do we do now?" Stiles turned to Scott after chasing Jackson, the kanima, successfully all across town, ending up at what appeared to be a night club.

"Holy cr-" Scott gasped, Stiles having snuck up on him.

"Wha- sorry, I'm sorry." Stiles apologised frantically. "Did you see where he went?"

"I lost him." Scott admitted.

"What? You couldn't catch his scent?"

"I don't think he has one."

"All right, any clue where he's going?"

"To kill someone."

"Ah." Stiles says sarcastically. "That explains the claws, and the fangs, and all that. Good. Makes perfect sense now." he earned a glare from Scott for his use of sarcasm, though. "What? Scott, come on. I'm one hundred and forty-seven pounds of pale skin and fragile bone-sarcasm is my only defense!"

"Just help me find it." Scott sighed.

"Not "it"- Jackson." Stiles corrected.

"Yeah, I know. I-I know."

"All right, but does he know that? Did anybody else see him back at your house?"

"I mean, I don't think so, but he already passed Derek's test anyway."

"Yeah, but that's just the thing- how did he pass the test?"I don't know."

"Maybe it's like an either-or thing? I mean, Derek said that a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom, right? When is the Kanima not the Kanima?"

"...When it's Jackson." Scott said in realisation.

"Uh... dude?" Stiles said, his eyes staring at the top of the building as he backed up to get a better look.

"See that?"

Both boys watched as the kanima, Jackson, snuck inside the building from the roof.

"He's inside." said Scott.

"What's he gonna do in there?"

"I know who he's after." Scott answered, catching a familiar scent of a cologne he knew all too well.

"What? How? Did you smell something?"

"Yeah." Scott replied. "Armani."

As the two teenage boys were about to waltz on into to the club, Scott put out his arm, stopping Stiles from going any further, earning a confused look.

"One more thing before we go on there." Scott said, grinning like a kid on Christmas, confusing Stiles even more.

"Well done back there." Scott smiled.

"I got my ass kicked by Isaac, what do you mea-"

"Not for that. The other thing."

Stiles let the penny drop, and smiled when he realised he was referring to the fact he had confessed his love to Aspen.

"Just don't screw it up this time, yeah?"

Meanwhile, back in the McCall household, Aspen laid in bed reading, having opted out of the kanima chase. Scott and Stiles were all too eager for her to stay there though, it kept her out of harm's way.

She was half way through a sentence when there was a knock at the door. Of course, she couldn't say 'come in', so she just waited for the person to reveal themselves.

Cross Your Mind , Stiles Stilinski ¹ ✓ Where stories live. Discover now