[ 36 ] late night talks

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           STILES didn't ask what had happened with her parents

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           STILES didn't ask what had happened with her parents. He knew Aspen well enough to know that if she wanted him to know, she would tell him in her own time. All he was focussed on was trying to make her feel better, which he was succeeding at.

After their late night drive where they blasted Yellow by Coldplay as Aspen stood in the jeep with her purple locks flying in the wind, the two teenagers stayed up watching comfort movies. They had school tomorrow, but they didn't care, They weren't tired, and they were enjoying each others company, and being normal. They weren't out chasing some supernatural threat, they were curled up on the Stilinski couch, watching Love Rosie. It was Aspen's favourite movie, which is the only reason Stiles agreed to such a cheesy rom-com. It didn't occur to either of them that it was slightly odd that they were watching a romance movie together.

Aspen's hair was fanned out on the pillow she rest her head on, as Stiles was sat upright with his arm resting behind the back of the sofa. They shared a bowl of popcorn as they watched the movie, laughing at places they were supposed to laugh, and saying 'aww' when they were supposed to say 'aww'.

Aspen found amusement in it. Not in the movie, no, she takes Love Rosie very seriously, its been her comfort movie since forever. She found amusement in the way Stiles watched it just as intently as her. Stiles hated rom-coms, it was the one thing about him she wished she could change. Any other time she had begged him to watch one with her, his response would be no, and then he'd suggest Star Wars.

But tonight when the pair decided to sit down and watch a movie, he didn't even ask her which one and automatically put on her favourite.

"Alex is such a dumbass." Aspen mumbles as her mouth is full of popcorn.

"Tell me about it!" Stiles says in response. "He's gotta be visually impaired not to like Rosie back at this point."

The truth is, Love Rosie was always Aspen's favourite movie because she felt she resignated with it. Well, minus the pregnancy plot, that is. But the way the girl falls for the boy, and the boy was always oblivious. But in the end, Alex and Rosie end up together, so it gave her hope that her own story might have the same ending.

Watching the movie with Stiles got awkward at some parts, especially the parts where Alex would rave on about Bethany all the time (who was basically the Lydia of the movie).

"They're gonna make a cute couple when they finally get together though." Stiles speaks again, shoving his own mouth with popcorn. Aspen's stomach fluttered as she looked up at him from where she was lying down near his legs. When their eyes met, Stiles realised how that sounded.

Their eyes lingered on each others for a long moment, before they both pried away and continued to watch the film as if that didn't just happen.

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