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~The next morning~

I was walking to school, my thoughts coursing wildly through my brain when I felt Todoroki's presence behind me. Oh dear...

Again, I was in a complete puddle. My heart was racing, almost jumping out of my chest, my face a blushing mess.

"Good morning, Trace-san.", he said coming to my side. He gave me a genuine smile. OKAY I AM GOING TO MELT!!!

'HE'S SO FREAKING GORGEOUS!', I thought, drooling on the inside.

"How are you this morning?" he asked me without realizing how it felt for me hearing his oh-so-soft voice.

"I-I'm okay. And you?" I asked, struggling not to fade.

"Quite good. You and Ashido-san had quite some fun yesterday didn't you." He says like it's the most normal thing in the world. Well, it's kind of was but, COME ON! Did he really have to mention THAT?!

"Y-yeah! We sure did!" I stuttered, a bead of sweat forming on my forehead. Please, please don't ask about yesterday!

"Next time, please be a bit quieter so I don't have to stop Bakugou from trying to kill you." He said smiling ahead. Oh...I see now...

"Okay, we will try. Sorry you had to go through all the trouble..." He's not just a hero in training he's also my hero for rescuing me from Bakugou! Phew I am swooning again. My tail stopped twitching and I relaxed a bit, glad that he didn't ask what I should maybe tell him.

"Bakugou didn't hurt you, did he?" I asked concerned, knowing that Bakugou doesn't know how to hold back sometimes.

Todoroki blinked at me. Then the corner of his lips curled up and he shook his head. I sighed and smiled too. Still feeling a bit uneasy, I kept on walking by his side. Then he asked me a question, that threw me off, hard.

"By the way, why do have a bandage around your arm? Did something happen during training?" he asked, and I felt his concern seeping out. My tail immediately started wagging and twitching nervously again. No one besides my three best friends, knew about my Psychological problems and the fact that I tended to calm myself by cutting. Not even Aizawa knew about it.

What was I supposed to say? I shook violently.

"Trace-san?", he took my hand and I flinched, "you don't have to tell me, if its something personal. And if you need help, I'm here for you."

I looked at him, surprised, that he acted so out of character. The warmth of his left hand was vibrating through me. I didn't even realize that he could be this kind. And that I was staring.

"Trace-san?" he asked again. I snapped and I blushed deeply.

"I'm fine... I just, I don't think I have it in me to tell you..." I answered looking away. I was ashamed.

"That's all right. I can wait." He said.

Why is this all so friggin romantic?! I mean he has always been nice to me, but never this close and chatty and ...LIKE THIS!!!

Could it be that...

"Shall we go to class?" he tucked at my hand and I snapped back and quickly nodded following him. Well I had no choice since he was still holding my friggin hand and pulling me towards the school building.

Todoroki's POV:

Alex had a troubled past, I knew that. I wanted her to feel safe. I didn't just want to be any hero. I wanted to be hers as well. Especially hers.

I had admired her determination to fight and show everyone that she is not like her father. She was just like me in that way. Just that her father was a villain...

I knew that I was acting out of character but I kind of could feel that maybe she would return my feelings. It's silly to think that much ahead already especially for someone as composed and as silent as me. I wasn't the type to make friends, even less a guy to date. But she made me want to try it out somehow.

I held her hand until we reached the classroom. Infront of the huge doors our teacher, Mr. Aizawa was already waiting. Strange enough for him.

"Mornin' sir! Why are you here so early? Not very like you." Alex said without hesitation. The pro hero looked at her and smiled softly, but then noticed our hands linked together and I quickly let go of her hand. He raised an eyebrow at me but didn't say anything.

"It's your father. He can't shut up about that he wants to talk to you."

Alex looked down. Again, she started shaking. But not with fear, but anger.

"Then tell him to shut his goddamn hole because I am not talking to that quirk stealing jackass. He can rot away in his cell for all I care!", she yelled, "I have a new dad, a real dad. One that is not such a lowlife like him and actually cares for me, and treats me like a human being not like a toy to be used!" She then turned around and went into the classroom. And she shut the door, very, very, loudly.

Aizawa looked a bit sad but also smiled. Surely because of the dad comment Alex made.

"Sir, I'm sorry. Alex was a bit on edge this morning already. Maybe because of me. I asked her something that made her uncomfortable."

The black-haired man looked at me and shook his head.

"No. I was expecting such an answer. She always acted like that when I mentioned him...

Could you maybe do me a favor? You seem to be close. Can you talk to her? We really need to silence that man." He asked and put his hand on my shoulder. I nodded, knowing that my task wasn't an easy one.

Alex' POV:

I was fuming. I slammed my bag down next to my table, owning a few looks from my fellow classmates. I saw Mina approaching and tried to force a smile and obviously failed.

"Hey gal! What's going on? Did something happen?" she asked putting an arm around my shoulders pulling me close. She started combing through my hair and I relaxed. I saw Izuku coming towards me along with Denki and Eijiro.

"Hey Alex? You look mad?" Eijiro asked and patted my head.

I pouted annoyed.

"Don't treat me like a kid! And yes, I am mad! Because All For One wants to talk to me and doesn't shut up about it! I thought it would be all over after he was caught..." I mumbled.

"Why don't you make him shut up? You must have a quirk that can do that or something." I looked behind me and saw Katsuki looking into my eyes straight. He has his eyebrow raised and leaned back in his chair, provokingly.

I blushed when his crimson eyes didn't leave my sapphire ones. I had to admit to myself that the aggressive boy was quite good looking too... I shook my head to bring me back to my senses.

"You really think I should go there and make him shut up?" I asked shuffling my feet nervously.

"Sure. I mean how else would that dickhead shut his hole if you don't move your own ass to deal with him dumbass."



"BRING IT ON!!!" I yelled and our heads clashed over his table, angry sparks flying.

"Both of you settle down! The lesson is starting!" my adoptive father said with a stern voice and I sat back down on my chair.

"Tch...whatever." I heard Katsuki mumble.

Maybe he really was right. But if I would go, I wouldn't go alone. I needed some strong backup. And I knew just the people for that.

This one is kinda short~ oop-

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