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"Are you listening?" Mina poked my cheek and I lazily turned to her.


"Are you daydreaming? That's not like you! Was the night with Icy-hot that good?" Katsuki spat from across the table. Here we go again...





Ouch... my face went numb. I just stared at him. Right now, at this moment I didn't know whether to run out crying or to just straight up murdering him.

My body instinctively decided for the latter.

I summoned my favorite black dagger, jumped on the table, pressing the blonde into the back of the seat, holding the knife to his throat.

Katsuki's POV:

Her movements were so fast that I didn't even see it coming. Now her face was centimeters away from mine and I could feel her warm breath hitting my face. The look in her eyes... It was menace, pure, evil desire to kill. But only for a short second. As if realization hit her, she blinked twice and she was normal again.

"S-sorry." She stuttered and retreated to her seat.

I was still left in complete shock. What just happened could have easily been my fucking death. Thinking about it, I subconsciously rubbed my throat where she had left a thin line with her dagger.

Fuck. Sometimes I forget how dangerous she really is. And how sensitive.

I really did not want to blame myself for what just happened, my pride did not allow that, but it was.

And yet all I did was huff and stand up to leave.

"Fucking bitch..." was all I said. Did I have the right to be angry? Yes, I did.

Alex' POV:

My head was spinning. What just happened? What the hell did I just do? Did I seriously attack Katsuki? Over a stupid comment like that?

"Lex? Are you okay?" I looked up into three pairs of eyes, looking very concerned. No fear. That's good. At least they aren't scared of me...

"Y-yeah... I am now..." I answered looking at the dagger in my shaking hand. I quickly let it disappear. Oh god...

"What he said was really mean. But it doesn't mean that it's true? I mean you haven't met Endeavour, yet right?" Kaminari pointed out.

"Wrong. I have met him, right after All Might put the sucker of my dad in jail, remember?" I recalled the dunce's memory.

"OH! Right..." he gulped and waited for my next statement to completely push any kind of comforting over board.

"And the look on his face, wasn't really that nice. He actually gave me an even meaner look than he usually has plastered on his face. If he would know that his son wants to date a misfit like me? I think I would end up in jail right next to my dad, worse comes to worse you could start digging ma grave..."

"Holy shit, Lex! Don't be so negative! You don't even know that's going to happen!" Kirishima said.

"I know I wouldn't let that happen." Another voice said and I turned around to see Shoto. My heart skipped a beat when he bent down giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"NAWWWW!" erupted from behind me but a short death glare shut them up.

"Where were you, you missed the show!" Mina said and I hit the back of her head.

"I had to call my father and tell him about something. I guess Alex must have pissed of Bakugou. I saw him in the hall." He explained. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! What exactly did he tell him?!

Sadly, I was NOT able to hide my nervousness at the moment so of COURSE he noticed.

"I didn't tell him anything about us. It was about the, going to jail with you to shut your dad up."

"Correction! You did tell him about us, but just not the US part." I said with sass.

He just gave me one of his sweet smiles that could melt me in seconds.

"So, what DID happen here?" he asked, smoothly changing the subject. Why is he so perfect?!

"Bakugou made a mean comment— WAIT A MINUTE!! I just now realized that the comment he made gave awfully jealous vibes!" Mina pointed out; her eyes wide. Oh no... I'm dead... One look at Shoto and I could see that jealousy was something even he was not capable of not having or showing.


"It's okay. As long as he didn't hurt you."

"Technically she was the one who almost killed him..."


"What?! It's true!" the poor boy only now realized that he should not have mentioned it. He shot me an apologetic look but I didn't give any sign of approval. I was frozen. I tried to kill Katsuki... I mean the realization was already there before but now it fell down on me like a bunch of bricks at once. A few minutes ago, I was really dead set on murdering my own classmate. It was as if a switch was turned, just like before I went to UA...

Shoto's POV:

I noticed how stiff Alex got when Kaminari told me what happened. She must feel really guilty, even though I wouldn't have minded her to put Bakugou in his place, I would be proud even. But seeing her so shaken up about it made my heart hurt.

I sat down next to her and pulled her into a hug and she immediately hugged me back, as if she was clinging to her dear life. She really was more broken than I had originally thought. Maybe one day she can tell me all about it... For now, I can only be there for her, like this.

"It's all right Alex-chan. You didn't hurt anyone." I kept whispering sweet nothings to her until she seemed to have relaxed a little. The others have noticed the shape she was in and even Mina had stopped giving us meaningful glances.

The bell rang and the others got up to leave. Mina looked back at us one more time as if she asked if she should stay. I just nodded for her to go.

Slowly the cafeteria started to empty. It grew silent.

Finally, Alex moved and looked up at me. Her eyes were a bit red but she didn't cry. Yet I could see her fear.



"What if I become like...him."

She didn't need to say who, I understood.

"Don't even let such thought's run through your mind. The more you think about it the more you are to be like him. Just be yourself. Don't think about him, or rather think how you will become a great hero. To show everyone that you are the good person I know you for." The words just kept coming out of my mouth, though I wasn't certain if I was telling her all that, or reminding myself that I did not want to be like my old man.

She just listened silently, eyes not leaving mine.

"Thank you Shoto..." she said and gave me a half smile. My name had never sounded more comforting, than her saying it. It wasn't like the painfull yelling, it was more like a soft whisper, a compliment, a good dream you didn't want to end. I pecked her lips, slowly and she kissed me back.

"I really should face my dad." She said after we parted. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"To prove to myself that I can do this. And to shut his mouth..." The latter made me chuckle. The little scowl on her face disappeared and was replaced by her sweet smile.

"And I will be there, by your side. You're not alone."


Hey, sorry that its this short! had a huge writers block. So at least there's a short filler. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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