Chapter 1

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Ahh, the Bonesborough forest. A place of peace, and beauty. With all of it's splendors. A place Luz Noceda always keeps dear in her heart. Whenever she's happy, sad or just bored she would go take a hike and take in all the nature.

She usually just goes alone but today, surprisingly, her friends Gus and Willow (but mostly just Gus) invited her for a hike. He wanted to go investigate the myth of a supposed creature called the Bat Queen.

"Gus, I'm tired. Let's call it a day." Willow complained.

"Yeah you're right. No sign of the Bat Queen so far. I'll continue searching tomorrow." Gus said.

"Luz, we're heading back!" Willow called out to Luz who's hanging a little behind.

"You guys go ahead. I wanna keep walking for a while!" Luz called back.

"Ok, just don't get lost and go back before it's dark! That's when the Bat Queen hunts!" Gus yelled.

As they make their way back, Luz can still hear them faintly arguing on wether the Bat Queen is real or not. She continues her walk. She takes a deep breath. The smell of nature tickles her nose.

Luz is walking alongside the river. Every so often the water will splash her ankle. Suddenly she hears crying. But it's not human. It's an animal. Luz ran to the direction of the crying sound, a young wolf with a beautiful brown-ish black fur the size of about a husky dog, is hanging onto a branch above the rushing current of the river.

"Oh no!" Luz exclaimed.

She quickly hop from one stone to another until she finally reaches the other side of the river. She drops her bag before climbing the tree the wolf was stuck on.

"Hang on little friend!"

The wolf was slipping but before it drops to the deadly stream of the river, Luz grabs onto it's two front paws.

"I got you. I got you."

She slowly lifts the wolf but suddenly she heard a crack. The branch is breaking. Luz tried to lift the wolf again. Even slower this time. The branch is still cracking. In one swift move, Luz threw that wolf to safety. But that sudden movement broke the branch off, and Luz drops to the river.

Luz's arms flail around in attempts to swim. But the current overpowered her. She's about to give up when she saw a glimpse of the wolf that she saved bring with it a stick. A big stick. With the stick it caught Luz, giving her a chance to swim her way to the riverside.

Luz is panting. Exhausted over the fact that she could've drowned if not for the wolf. The wolf sat by her side. As if waiting for her to get up. Luz and the wolf locked eyes. For a second the look in the wolf's eyes is caring. Compassionate. Almost...human.

"Hey. You saved me bud." Luz petted the wolf. The wolf surprisingly let her.

"Good boy."

The wolf growled.

"Oh. Good girl?"

The wolf makes a little satisfied sound.

Luz gets up to pick up her bag that she left under the tree the wolf was stuck on. The wolf followed her. But Luz didn't noticed that until she actually reaches her bag.

"Oh. You followed me? You liked me that much, huh?"

Then Luz noticed something. The wolf was limping. One of her hind legs is injured.

"You're hurt? Must've been when I threw you. I'm so sorry. Will you let me fix it?"

The wolf stayed still.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Luz pulls out a roll of bandage out of her bag. One of the essentials she always brings with her on a hike. She starts bandaging the wolf's leg.

"I used to fall a lot. I still fall a lot even now actually. A bandage is a must bring on trips like this." Luz talks to the wolf, or maybe just to herself.

"There, that should do it." Luz finally finished tending to the wolf's wound.

"Well, I'll be off then. Take care little wolf!"

She heads off to go back into town.

"Wait..." Luz said to herself. "Did that wolf back there understood what I said the whole time? Eh, probably just my imagination."

"Eda, I'm home!" Luz yells when she enters her home.

The first one to greet her however is Eda's pet chihuahua, King. He's barking happily. His tail wagging. He does that everytime Luz comes home from anything.

"Hey, buddy!" Luz rubs his belly.

"Oh, Kiddo, you're back. How's the hike?" Luz's foster mother emerged from the kitchen. Her apron stained with flour.

"Great as always. I encountered a wolf today, though."

"Another animal encounter? Well you must be hungry. I made cookies!"


The next week at school.

"So all I'm saying is, I don't think- OOF!" Luz's argument with Gus and Willow is cut short when she bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry!" Luz picks up the books the person dropped.

"You should watch where you're- huh?" The person's tone of anger suddenly dies out.

"Here's your books- huh?" When Luz meets the girl's eyes something sparked.

"Thanks." The girl shyly but quickly takes her books from Luz's hands and speed walked away but stumbled halfway. One of her legs seem to be injured.

"Willow...w-who's that?"

"Oh. The new girl. Her name's Amity if I'm not mistaken. Why? You like her?" Willow teased.

"I don't know..." Luz said. "But she looks...familiar."

Unfinished History (A The Owl House Wolf Girl AU)Where stories live. Discover now