Chapter 10

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Luz and Amity watched in horror as the masked men and the guy in the blue jacket barged in through the front and back doors. They sweeped every room downstairs checking for any sign of people. They found nothing so they went upstairs. They went into every room. Luz's room, Amity's, and finally, Eda's work room. They looked around. Under the table behind the curtains, but nothing. Finally they checked into the closet. They shifted the hanging clothes that's supposed to reveal the door. But they just stared and went away.

Luz and Amity lets go of the breaths they didn't know they were holding.

The masked men return to the man in the blue jacket and reported their search results. The man in the blue jacked nodded. He's obviously angry that his subordinates didn't find anything. He called everyone back to the front door and left.

"Thank goodness." Luz sighed.

"That was a really close call. But how did they not see the metal door?"

"I don't know. But it's a good thing they didn't. We need to contact Eda. We have to let her know we're safe now."

Luz takes her phone out and calls Eda. It's ringing. Still ringing.

"Hello?" A voice in the other end called.

"Hello? Eda?"

"Kid! Oh, thank God you're okay! You in the panic room? Is Amity with you?"

"Yes we're here! We're safe! Where are you?"

"In a safe place. I can't tell you where exactly. But I'm safe. You guys however, are not safe yet."

"What? But those guys left. They didn't find us in this room."

"Yet. They'll find you eventually and when they do, it's not gonna be pretty."

Luz and Amity both trembled at the sound of that.

"But there is one place you'll be safe. Head to the location shown on the map inside a journal titled "The Owl Lady" on the shelf. Go to that location and show the book to the person guarding the place. They'll let you in."

"Ok. But what is this place? Another hideout?"

"Kind off. It's-" A loud banging sound can be heard from Eda's end of the call.

"Eda? What's happening?"

"I don't know. But I'll go handle it. You girls be careful. Don't talk to anyone on your way to the location. Love you."

"Love you too, mom."

And then she hangs up the call. Eda is in trouble. There's a giant possibility Luz and Amity are too. There's nothing they can do but follow Eda instructions for now. Luz knows that. But that doesn't stop her from tearing up out of worry.

"Luz? You okay?" Amity asked softly.

"No, I'm not! Eda's in trouble, there's a high chance we are too, there's a bunch of masked men chasing us, it's too much!" Luz bursted out. She accidentally raised her voice a little bit too much making Amity flinch.

"Amity...sorry, I...I shouldn't have..." Luz breaks down on her knees sobbing. This whole thing is too much stress for the girl.

Amity goes down on her knees too and hugged Luz tightly. Rubbing her back comfortingly. Whispering words of comfort to Luz's ear.

"Calm down. We'll be okay."

"I can't do this...this is too much."

"True. You can't. But we can. This is too much for you to handle alone. But you're not alone. Eda gave you a guide. You have me supporting you here. I won't rest until we get to the bottom of this. Repeat after me : We can fix this together."

Amity looks at Luz in the eyes and wiped away her tears. Luz starts giggling inbetween sobs.

"Come ooon." Amity encouraged.

"We can fix this...together."

"Attagirl." Amity leans forward and kisses Luz on the forehead.

Luz blushed heavily and hugs Amity tight. Not letting go for almost half an hour. Amity didn't mind. If that'll make Luz feel better then she's not letting go either. And plus, she gets to be that close to Luz, so Amity sees that as an absolute win.

When Luz eventually lets go she smiles warmly, and it was the cutest little smile Amity's ever seen in her life.

"Thanks Amity. I really needed that."

"Anything for you Luz."

They got up from the ground and straighten themselves up.

"Let's get back to the mission at hand. Eda told us to look for a map inside a journal titled...what was it?"

"The Owl Lady. It's, uhh....this one." Amity pulls out a red journal with an Owl symbol in front of it and the writing "The Owl Lady" under it. Amity tries to pull it open but it wouldn't budge.

"Huh. That's strange. It's like the book is locked shut. But there's no lock on it. It's just looks like a regular book."

"Let me try that." Luz said, grabbing the journal from Amity's hand.

The owl symbol glows a little making the both of them gasp in surprise. It suddenly opens by itself on Luz's hand, as if it'll only open for Luz.

"Amazing...that must've been a recognition spell." Amity said.

"A recognition what?"

"Spell. A spell that once it's casted on an object, that object will only respond to certain people that's linked with the spell. Eda must've casted the spell on the book so that only some people can open it. One of those people is you!"

"W-w-wait, Eda casted the spell? Does that make her...a witch?!"

"That's a possibility. But humans can cast spells to as far as I know. With some forgotten ancient technique or something."

"If Eda's a witch how come she never told me? How come I never knew?"

"Maybe she's just trying to protect you. Like any good parent would. But let's not focus on that right now. We have a mission at hand."

"Right. The map."

Luz flips through the journal. In the journal, the writing is obviously Eda's. There are some pictures or scribbles in-between the writings at some points. A lot of them are about demons and witches and some monsters. Further confirming Eda's line of work involving otherworldly beings. Luz keeps flipping through the journal util finally she finds a page with a drawing that seems to be a complete map of the Bonesborough Forrest. There's a red mark drawn on a deeper part of the forest.

"That must be it. The place Eda wants us to go to." Luz said.

"What do we do now?"

"Isn't it obvious? Pack our things. We're going trekking."

Unfinished History (A The Owl House Wolf Girl AU)Where stories live. Discover now