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"No, no, no, no, M/n stay please..." Kyojurou pleads as he carefully cradles M/n injured figure. M/n smiled sadly as his bloodied hands reached out and cupped his lover's cheek which Kyojurou leaned as he cried.

"Forgive... M..e... Kyo... If we're ever reincarnated... I'll look for you... And make you mine again..."

M/n then leaned in and shared one last kiss with Kyojurou as soon, death welcomed M/n leaving his cold body behind with his lover.

"No... M/n... You promised..."

Kyojurou gasped, abruptly sitting upright from the shared bed of the two lovers. His eyes quickly turned to his side only to see M/n sleeping peacefully. His nervous heart then calmed down. 'what was that dream... It felt so real...'

A frown placed itself in Kyojurou's lips as he falls back down onto the bed he shared with his lover, his hands wrapped themselves in M/n's chest as he placed M/n's hands into his and bought himself close to his lover's body.

Afraid that when he wakes up, M/n would be gone. He looked up 'He sleeps so peacefully... ' he smiled and snuggle close as he falls back to sleep in his arms. Dawn came and M/n is the first to wake up, before he gets up he pecked Kyojurou's forehead before leaving their room 'What kind of demon dare step in that place?' M/n pondered as he runs his fingers through his bed hair.  

As he was cooking breakfast, two pairs of arms wrapped themselves tiredly in his waist and the owner's body sticking itself in his back "Why you leaavvee" Kyojurou whined rubbing his face in his lover's clothes like a cat earning a soft chuckle from his beloved. 

"Sorry, Kyo. Come on, let's eat." the said name nodded and followed M/n into the small table as they begin to eat their first meal of the day "Caw!"C/n then came from the window joining the two as it ate the peanuts M/n offered.

"Where are you going today?" Kyojurou asked as he watches M/n get dressed, the scar on his back was visible and soon was covered by his uniform "I'm assigned in a mission." the retired flame pillar fold his hands "Where?" M/n grabbed his sword and attached it to his belt "H/n [Hometown name], it's where I live."

Kyojurou's eyes rounded "H/n...? Isn't that a bit too far? It would take you two days to get there..." he worryingly stated, M/n smiled and heaved out a sigh "That's why I'm leaving today, take care of yourself while I'm gone." He brushed his fingers in Kyojurou's cheek before pulling him for a kiss.

Fear began to rupture into Kyojurou's system 'What if the thing I dreamt of happen?! No! I can't let that!' his lips twitched as M/n explored his mouth before departing, he then gripped onto M/n's cloak catching the blaze pillar's attention "Kyo, is there some---" "Let me join you!" He confessed, before entering their shared room and grabbing his own nichirin.

"Kyo, but you're re---"

"It doesn't matter! I'll come with you!" he stared right into M/n and watched as his lover gave in and allowed him "Fine, go get changed." Kyo smiled and began to change whilst his lover left for privacy 'That's where he lives, I wonder If I can meet his siblings' after he finished he meets up with M/n outside and soon they left.


Kyo yawned as he sat up from his futon, his yellow eyes surveying his surroundings "You're awake, eat up, and let's get going." M/n said as he watched the people pass by "What time is it?" "7 am, we still have an hour to get there." Kyojurou nodded before opening up his arms which caught M/n's attention, a smile gracing itself in M/n's face.

So, he stood up and hugged Kyojurou pulling his lover for a kiss "How was your sleep?" He asked while they kissed, before moving to Kyojurou's neck, placing light kisses whilst listening to Kyojurou's soft whimpers "I-It was nic-nice." M/n smiled once more and kissed Kyojurou's forehead "That's good, come on, start eating your food might get cold." 

The two left the inn and began to continue their travel. Dusk then came by luckily just in time they had finally arrived "Yes! Finally!!! M/n let's g—" Kyojurou was cut off when M/n covered his mouth, motioning for the flame hashira to shush.

"Kyo, I want you to call me by the name f/n (fake name) for now, okay?" Kyo nodded as he watches his lover cover his face again with the same fox mask he wears everyday before they entered H/n. Kyojurou surveys the town seeing as people were rather lively and friendly 'I wonder why M/n left his hometown.'

The two then reside inside an inn before M/n left saying he'll be doing patrols which Kyojurou joined in as well, they wander around the blocks looking for any signs of demons or smell. Dark began to approach and the two just finished eating and continued.

"So, what did Oyakata-sama predict this time?" Kyojurou asked as he fold his arms below his chest whilst they amble down the road "Multiple people had been disappearing and everyone had no clue about it, he predicts it would be an upper moon or lower moon's doing." The retired flame hashira nodded "I wonder which! What do you think F/—"


The two abruptly halt as they turned around and saw a tall boy with same grey hair but with orange pools, he wore a grey yukata "That mask... M/n?" The man point his finger towards M/n and Kyojurou could feel how M/n suddenly stiffen.

M/n part his lips uttering "Sorry, but I think you're mistaking me for this person called M/n." The man shook his head approaching the two and snatching the fox which their eyes made contact "I know this mask, this mask belongs to Kasumi." (CY: What a not nice way to approach someone you don't know :0)

M/n knitted his brows as he bit on his lower lip, Kyojurou watched in the sidelines worried about his beloved. The man rounded his eyes as he sees those familiar ruby pools and grey hair that only L/n clan possesses "L/n M/n I'm so glad you're alive."

M/n struggle as all his siblings greet him crying, pulling him into a family hug that he never recieved since he was still a kid. The Toshiko clan took him in with like the accident long go are just a leaf that passed by.

"Kasumi was found dead by the mountains, everyone was worried, mom had fallen ill and dad had died." A lady with a beautiful long grey hair and orange eyes explained as she took a sip of her tea "I'm so glad you're back, N/n." She smiled softly and Kyojurou stared in awe 'The way they smile are so heartwarming... Especially M/n's ' speaking of M/n,

He gazed at the ruby eyed male as they remained stoic but with brows furrowed "Why..." He sudden said, catching everyone's attention "Why didn't you even defended me..." M/n grits his hands clenching which Kyojurou noticed and placed his hand on top, trying to ease him up.

"We tried to, but the townspeople wanted revenge, but it was long gone! Everything was forgotten you should not fret, M/n!" Another female yelled, "M/n..." the lady in front utter before her orange eyes landing on Kyojurou.

She slightly bow "Pardon, but whom are you to M/n?" Kyojurou stiffened as he opened his mouth "I-I'm..." He turned to M/n before completing his sentence "I'm his lover." Which caught everyone off guard.

"A lover?"

"Both males?"


"I don't care if you guys don't accept us, and I'm not here to stay." M/n stood up "M/n! Wait don't! Don't worry, we clearly accept you two's relationship, it's alright. Please stay for a bit, let's talk why you're both here, perhaps?" The man from earlier stated, Kyojurou looked back to M/n which his lover heaved out a sigh before sitting back down.

"May I know your name, My future brother-in-law?" The other woman with pink eyes asked as she scoot closer to the older female sibling "Ah! I'm Rengoku Kyojurou, pleased to meet uh..." He trailed which to the older woman chuckle.

"I'm Amaya" the lady with orange eyes said,  she then turned to the girl whose next to her and said "This is Eiko." The pink eyed lady smiled waving.

"That's Cho and Kai." She stared to The man from earlier and the other lady with green orbs, "Kazuhiko and Ichiro." The twins whose blue eyes smiled and waved as well.

"Pleased to meet you all!"

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