The Lost Prince

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"Father! What's happening?"

"You have to go..."

"Have to go? Where? Why?"

"The Vihokratanas betrayed us. They're ousting us Gun."

"What?! No, that can't be... Tay would never allow that."

"Tay doesn't have a say in this...He doesn't have any power to protect you."


"You have to go now... Go to the Mortal world... Use the tunnel under the basement..."

"To the mortal world? but we're not allowed to go there..."

"The world of the mortals might be dangerous for Lycans like us but that is the only place where you could be safe."

"But how about you? and Mom? No. I won't go without you..."

"No... Gun...You have to go...alone."

"But Dad...I can't..."

"I know it is scary but you are my brave little omega...Go to the mortal world ... there you would be free... be what you want, to do what you want...forget us Gun...forget everyone here ...forget Luna and live a life that you deserve my boy."

Lord Arkin, the head of the Punsawat clan and Lord of Gaia, kissed Gun's forehead for the last time and send his only child to the world that was unknown to them, to the world of the mortals.

Gun woke up with heavy breathing and tears in his eyes. It's been a long while when he had this dream. No. It's a memory, a past that he would like to bury.

For a moment there, a surge of panic encompasses him as he found himself in a not familiar place. Then memories of what happened last night came to him. His little boy, Chimon, in pain and unconscious.

Earlier last night, he already had this feeling that something bad will happen. He guessed his werewolf senses is still working. When it's already 11:00, he tried to call Chimon but he is not answering. It was out of reach. He was pacing back and forth and was already in panic mode when his husband Off arrived from the dinner meeting with the new clients that he has attended.

"Hey...Why are you still awake?" Off walked towards him and kissed him. He has sensed that Gun is upset.

"Your son is not yet here. I have called him many times. His phone is out of reach." the shorter man blurts out.

Feeling the tension the taller man tried to calm his husband.

Off and Gun has been married for 20 years. Off knows his husband well enough not to argue with him when he is somehow perturbed.

"Hon... our son is already 18 you know?"

"I's just that... I don't know...I felt that something is off..." Gun uttered.

"Okay... Hon....calm down..." Off said trying to walk Gun and have him sit.

"I can't..." Gun said then get his car keys and walk towards the door.

"Hey...where are you going?" Off followed closely.

But Gun just went out towards the parking garage of their house. Just as he went out, the scent of Chimon filled his nostril. But it's a bit stronger.

No way. Is Chimon turning? Would he turn? But he is half-human.

It was unheard even for Gun. Would Chimon be like him?

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