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The cold, chilling air touch Chimon's cheeks, as he and Nanon, come along with Pond and Phuwin's group of friends to enjoy and chill for a moment. They were going to a laid-back pub, well-known for its jazz and music. He wasn't a fan of jazz, per se, and wasn't very fond of nightlife, he's a homebody, a geek for pc games and books and always have his nose on medical books most of the time, fictional books, like A Song of Ice and Fire, sometimes. But he would like to try and enjoy this moment with his newfound friends. Of course, Puimek was with them. She is a peace and comfort, in the chaotic situation that he is in right now, she represents familiarity that keeping him grounded. His friend and confidante. She is like his anchor. Nanon on the other hand is his sail, he is his motivation, the one who keeps him going. Having Nanon on his side is unexpected but very much welcomed. There were times when he was annoyed by him, but as days go by until he reaches this point in time, Nanon etched his way on Chimon's life, making it hard for Chimon, even to imagine a day or a moment without him by his side.

He looks at the singing Nanon, laughing along with the rest of the gang. Along with him, Nanon, Puimek, Pond, and Phuwin, were Prim, her bestfriend, View, Louis and Neo. He could see that Nanon was very at ease with the group. This is one of the few things he noticed about Nanon, he is very charismatic and friendly, a social butterfly, someone that could easily blend in and be liked by other people.

This would be their last night in Copenhagen, tomorrow they will be traveling through the sea to the infamous Gaia, the place where Gun was held captive. His father's homeland. He might die there, he might get captured as well, the same with Gun, so why not spend his last night on Earth this way?  

He looks at everyone, their laughter, and soft smiles. He looks at Pond and Phuwin and noticed the sweet gentle gestures. How Pond effortlessly swings his arms on Phuwin's shoulder, how Prim smiles softly and View giggles at Neo's comedic act. Then his eyes linger on Nanon with fondness. If only Gun was here he could ask him one or two about first love and romance. How crazy and overwhelming his feelings could be. How it makes his stomach churn, how the simple gestures, his smiles, his touch affects him. Not sure about his feelings isn't really his reason why he can't accept Nanon, or at least not anymore, to be honest with himself, as of the moment, as he is looking at Nanon, he is sure that he is already in love with him, but he is scared, he is so frightened of the inevitable, that Nanon would leave him with a broken heart one of this days.

"I miss Love and Jane," Puimek said breaking the silence.

"Me, too." He smiled a bit remembering his squad.

"Why don't you tell him?"

He looked at Puimek confused, raising his eyebrow, asking what. But Puimek is a very perceptive person. She could sense his feelings and his doubts.

"Why don't you tell Nanon how you truly feel?"

"And what exactly do you want me to tell him?" He asked.

"Tell him you love him," She said.

"I...I don't.."

"It's scary I know and you still have Gun and Off and Onze to think about...hell you have lots of things on your plate"

"But things like that would come and go...and before you notice it Nanon might be gone too..."

"Isn't that a more reason not to get too attached to him?"

"Chi...You are braver than this...I don't want you to regret how you succumb to fear and let someone who could make you happy go away from you."

Once again he looks at Nanon.

"I don't know....maybe I'm not the same Chimon you knew a month ago...I change ...this whole ordeal changed and broke me somehow."

"Don't say may change because of what happened but you are not scares were frightened but I could still see the fire in you."

"Could you do me a favor?"


"Could you go back and protect Onze and Papi?"

"But, Gun told me to protect you." Puimek's eyes widen.

"That's why I'm asking you."



"Gaia is a dangerous place,"

"The more reason I want you to stay with Onze and Papi"

"You can't just go there alone,"

"Nanon is with me"

Chimon still wanted to talk to Puimek when he felt his whole body felt like burning. His heart feels like bursting. So he excused himself and run to the bathroom leaving a worried Puimek behind.

He went outside using the backdoor to breathe fresh air. He felt so hot like he is having a fever. He could see the moon, full and gold. He felt losing consciousness and falling on the floor when a pair of arms caught him from falling.

"Chi! Chi!" Nanon is calling him."Chimon!"

But Chimon can't understand him. His ears were ringing and he felt fo hot.

Nanon felt Chimon's body heat rose, but that's not the only thing, he saw his eyes turn golden yellow and his scent became so addicting for him, he felt his own body temperature rising. What's happening to Chimon at the moment woke the alpha inside of him, thankfully Puimek went out and saw what's happening to prevent Nanon from devouring Chimon at that very moment. 

Puimek drove Chimon back to the Chivaree's mansion. It's certain now, Chimon inherited his father's wolf blood. They knew from that start that Chimon is Off and Gun's son, but they weren't sure if he could be like them. She brought him to the basement, put him in bed, and lock him there. They monitored him with a CCTV camera. He was violently awakened, he gasped as if he lacks air and tremble with pain. He felt hot. Puimek knows what's happening. Chimon is shifting for the first time and presenting as an Omega. His scent became sweet and addictive, it would be hard for an Alpha with no mate to resist that kind of scent. Puimek was just thankful that Nanon had strong self-control and she came just on time to rescue Chimon. Puimek as a beta wasn't that affected by the scent but no Unmated Alpha could resist this kind of scent.

After lots of trembling, breaking, and joining of bones and skin, Chimon shifted into a large silky black wolf with golden eyes. In this form, he still gasping for air for the first few seconds. The pain and trauma are not yet subsiding, Chimon in his wolf form is distraught and wanted to escape, to run free and so he does. He banged the door, so many times until it gave up. Puimek can't believe how strong Chimon is to crack a door that is made to hold werewolves like them. Chimon runs, Puimek along with the Chivaree guards followed him, until he was cornered. They didn't know that one of those guards is an assassin and tried to kill Chimon by shooting him. And just like a knight in shining armour but in a wolf skin, Nanon saves him by attacking the shooter. But the shot made was enough to send the distraught Chimon into a panic. Chimon growl and tried to attack everyone who is approaching him. When Nanon, was done and subdued the assassin, he saw how Chimon was so scared, and acting on an impulse that would just hurt him and those guards around him, something that would make Chimon blame himself afterwards. Thus he decided to do his first step on retribution for lying to Chimon and that is to show him, his real form, right there and then, from his wolf form, he shifts back to his human form.

Chimon stops on his rampage, look at Nanon and surprisingly turns back to his human form as well. 

"You're one of them..."

"I'm sorry Chi...."

"And I'm one of you," Chimon said. 

Chimon felt numb. He is a bit confuse and a bit angry, anxious and scared, overwhelmed and betrayed. 

What's happening? Dad...Dad! He called his Dad on his head. He looks at his body and on his trembling hands. He is naked, as well as Nanon, but their nudity isn't something that he would give a fuck. Not when there are lots of things he didn't know. It almost felt like everything that he believes in was a lie, and start doubting himself. Am I still human?

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