Friends or Enemies

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The flight to Copenhagen was extremely long and exhausting, but it is nothing compared to how taxing it is for him when he bids goodbye to his sister. Onze didn't make it easy for him to go, his sister wants to go with him. She cried, and plead, and shouted at him. But, in the end, he is firm with his decision not to take her with him. He can't take Onze as he still doesn't know how dangerous the situation is. And he needs Onze to look after Off, that's the only reason why she let him go as well.

He doesn't know how the Chivaree looks like. Will they help him? Are they really his friends or enemies? Could he trust them?

Is this the right decision?

He couldn't tell, somehow, it pleases him that he is not alone on this trip, although, his company after saying that he will be there with him the whole flight, is sleeping soundly beside him, too sound, that he is making annoying snores at the moment. It wasn't cute per se, and as he is looking at him, he could see that he is already drooling.


Chimon didn't expect that they would be attending a Charity Gala when he and Nanon decided to go to Copenhagen. Apparently, Bright and Win Chivaree was one of the most powerful and wealthy couples in Copenhagen.  Where did he learn about these things? Of course, from social media. With the help of technology, it's almost possible to learn and know everything about famous and rich people, and thankfully, the Chivarees were very famous that Chimon doesn't really have to look harder for them, what's hard is to talk and get close to them. The Chivaree Mansion has very tight security, It has a state-of-the-art security system and has lots of people working for them. If only his parents did the same thing, they wouldn't be in this condition. But his parents always wanted a simple life despite their status and that's one of the reasons why Chimon is so proud of them.

Thus, he and Nanon, have to dress formally. This would be their chance to get close and talk to the Chivarees.

Chimon, dressed in a white tuxedo is very please with himself. He really looks good that he can't help but look at the mirror. He could be narcissistic at times. 

Nanon came downstairs with his perfect hair and deep dimples. He is wearing a black tuxedo suit that fits his toned body. He looks like an actor attending a glamorous awards night. Chimon can't understand himself but as of this moment, he finds Nanon so attractive and felt his heart beats faster than usual, especially with his perfect smile. Now he knows how it is like to have tiny butterflies flying inside his stomach.

"How do I look?" He asked Chimon, who averted his gaze from the boy in front of him.

"You look funny." He said with a smirk.

Nanon grinned and lean closer to the smaller guy.

"Funny enough to make you swoon?" He asked, making his voice a little bit raspy that send shivers to Chimon's whole body.

"Nope..." Chimon shook his head, then lean to Nanon and whisper, "Funny enough to be punched in the face if you wouldn't stop."

This threat only earns a couple of chuckles from Nanon, he knows that Chimon wouldn't punch him. Wouldn't he? 

Too bad their fake invitation was busted if only Chimon listens to himself. Even with their impeccable good looks, they were thrown out of the premises.

"You're not allowed here." The guard told them.

"We just need to talk to Mr. Chivaree, he is a friend of my Dad." Chimon told the guard.

But the guard, with his stern and firm standing just throw them an annoying look. Two guards came out as a back up, as if that tall and bulky guy couldn't hold them off. Thus, Chimon and Nanon, doesn't have any choice but to leave.

The two decided to walk as their hotel where they were staying is near, and the night is cold, much colder than home, but Chimon just saw how despite of their situation Nanon is smiling.

"What so funny?" Chimon asked irritated when he saw Nanon smiling by himself. "We were thrown out of the party."

"Nothing...I'm just thankful that even we were not successful I was able to see how gorgeous you are in that tuxedo."

"I look good in everything I wear," Chimon said, without flinching, not even trying to be humble.

"Yes, you are," Nanon said not even trying to hide his affection.

Chimon's heart almost melted with that compliment, instead he tried to hide his feelings by rubbing his hand together. He grew up in a much warmer country, being in an Scandinavian country, he could easily get cold. Thus, Nanon held Chimon's hand, open his close-fisted palm with his and put Chimon's hands between his larger hands.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm giving you warmth."

Chimon chuckled, amused by the young boy's antics. This lad is really doing his best for his affection. Although he might be feeling fonder and fonder of the boy in front of him, as days go by, he wasn't really sure if he could give what he truly deserves, thus, he tried to pull his hands away, but Nanon's grip it tighter. This boy! Hence, when he managed to get one of his hand free, he flicks Nanon's forehead so hard, it leaves a mark.


The mark on Nanon's forehead was visible, Chimon felt a bit of guilt and without thinking too much he leaned closer to Nanon and like a child blow air into his forehead.

"How could you do that?" Nanon said pouting.

"What?" Chimon asked without moving away.

"When I try to act cool, I always end up making myself like a clown, but, without so much effort you always seem cooler in my eyes."

"Maybe because I'm way cooler, just live with it." Chimon said with a grin.

They were walking along when suddenly Nanon, felt someone is following them. Chimon felt Nanon's mood change. He tried to ask when Nanon hold his hand tight and pull Chimon closer to him. Nanon tried to out run whoever is following them but they ended up in a dark alley and a dead end.

"Who are you?"

"I'm no one," the guy said while pulling a dagger behind him. "Just give him to me and I won't harm you."

He pulled Chimon behind him.

"Over my dead body," Nanon said preparing himself to fight.

"Then die, brat!" The guy then moved closer and attack them. 

He couldn't shift at the moment but it doesn't mean he couldn't fight, Nanon is a trained fighter. He and his sister were trained when they were young so that even without shifting, they could fight. Nanon would never let someone hurt his mate.

Nanon easily dodge the dagger, but the guy is quick. His movements were precise and fast. Chimon could see that he is also trained, not only trained but an expert. He maneuver  his dagger and put it to his left hand so that it could reach Nanon who dodge the first attack. The dagger reach Nanon and hit his arm.

"Nanon!" Chimon screamed. He saw a small but long pipe and get it quickly. Chimon maybe not a good fighter as Nanon but he was also had some trainings about self-defense when he was young. He tried to hit the guy with that pipe to divert his attention to him and help Nanon. But the guy easily catch the pipe and tried to pull it. Thankfully, Chimon is smart enough to release the pipe. Nanon tried to attack the guy from behind but the guy was so strong, and stab him right on his stomach. Chimon was so shocked to see how the guy stabbed Nanon, he couldn't move. He tried to run towards Nanon but the guy grip his arm  tightly. The guy put a handkerchief with ammonia to cover his mouth. Chimon went limp and was fighting not to lose his consciousness. The guy tried to lift him when suddenly he was attacked by a large light brown wolf with green eyes. The wolf bit him on his arm, Chimon fell on the ground and can not move, although still conscious. The guy tried to escape the wolf, he ran out quickly. The wolf didn't follow the guy, instead move closer to him. His sight started to get blurry. When he closed his eyes and tried to open it again, he saw a familiar face with a worried look staring straight in his eyes. But after a few seconds, he can't fight the weariness of his body anymore and he gave in. 

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