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( CHAPTER TWO part 1 : YOU'RE FULL OF SHIT ; charlie )

( CHAPTER TWO part 1 : YOU'RE FULL OF SHIT ; charlie )

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"nice going , idiot ." michael sighed at my failed attempt to get y / n's number . i watched her walk away with a frown on my face , then i looked over at everyone . "i'm not gonna give up , don't worry ." i shot mike a wink , he rolled his eyes .

"charles ." he started , a serious look washed over his features . "she's not interested in anyone . her last relationship ended in a shitty way and i don't want you to break her heart because i know you will ." he shook his head , and i just returned the serious look .

"i won't break her heart , michael ." i replied to his comment about y / n not being interested in anyone . "i'll change her mind , i know i will ." i looked over at her direction and watched her cleaning up a crumby mess on the floor . she looked really pretty , she's probably one of the prettiest girls i've ever laid my eyes on . the way her h / c hair frames her face just right in the ponytail that her hair is held back in , the way her e / c eyes just sparkle in the artificial light . wow .

smiling to myself , i finally got out of my daze whenever neil snapped his fingers in front of me . "charlie — eat your damn food , we're gonna be here for a while if you're focused on mike's sister that you've only talked to once ." he gave me a look like 'if you're gonna fall for this girl you might as well talk to her.' i nodded and looked at michael while picking up my sandwich . "so , what days does y / n work ?" i asked him in hopes of getting an actual answer .

he just shrugged and took a chunk off of his sugar cookie before tossing it in his mouth , "i don't know . i don't ask her those questions . you should ask her if you're so fucking invested in it for some weird ass reason ."

i glared at him , but then nodded . "thank you for the idea , i'll go ask her right now ." i started getting up , before neil stopped me . "no , you are going to eat first ."

i sighed dramatically and sat back down before scarfing my sandwich down . a random thought popped in my head , i looked over at mike and shot him a smug smirk . "say .. michael .. i don't even need to talk to her . you're her brother . why don't you just give me her phone number ?"

he shook his head , "no , i respect my sister enough to not let someone like yourself have her phone number ."

"damnit . i thought that would work ." i frowned and got up . "i'll try to talk to her then ." i looked at the whole group then walked over to the place where we ordered previously .

clearing my throat , i watched y / n look up at me and sigh . she set her stuff down , and i shoved my hands in my pockets . "how can i help you , mr . dalton ?" she asked me , i gave her a confident smile and then leaned against the countertop .

"i just have a question ." i replied to her , my eyebrows raising slightly . "and what might that be ? another attempt at getting my number ?" she asked me , i heard the boys chuckle behind me so i shot them a glare before turning back to the beauty before me . "haha , no . i was just wondering when you're going to work again so i can come see you ?" she rolled her eyes and looked over my shoulder . it seemed like she was giving someone behind me a pleading look for help . i snapped my fingers in front of her face , causing her to look back at me , her arms then folded across her chest .

"hmm .. it'll definitely be sometime when you won't be around ." she had a very sly look on her face , the boys then started making snarky remarks like 'OH !! WAY TO GO , DALTON !' or something like 'BURN !'


a / n : i didn't mean to post this chapter , but uh , here we are . so it'll be a part one for charlie's pov 🤦‍♀️

maniac - charlie dalton x fem!reader / on hold Where stories live. Discover now