Story One | A Walk in the Woods

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It started out as just some running in the woods. Little did the three of them know what lie in the woods. Not even Hinata knew. So everyone was surprised when one day... 

Nobody's POV

"Why's there a fence in the middle of the forest?" Kenma asked

"I don't know." Noya replied

"This is so weird." Kenma stated

"I know, right Hinata?" Noya asked

Hinata just stood their, eyes wide, staring at the fence.

"Hello? Hinata?"

Hinata's POV

We were jogging in the woods, when suddenly we came across a short fence. 

I've seen this somewhere...

My eyes grow wide as I realize this is the gate that they used at the farm, to give a sense of freedom. I step back, terrified.

But, we never passed a wall? Did they get rid of it? But wait, we shouldn't be anywhere near Grace Field! I'm so confused!

"Hello? Hinata?" Kenma said

"Oh, sorry, yes?" I say, looking up at him.

"You were staring at the gate for quite a long time."

"Sorry," I reply "We should just go back the way we came-"

"Why would we do that? I wanna see what's beyond the gate!" Noya interrupts

"W-what if it's private property." I yell after them, trying to get them to stay, just incase it is a farm. Worst case scenario being that this is a farm and Isabella is the mom.

"Geez, why are you so worked up about this?" Kenma asked

"I- just don't think this is a very good idea." I replied

"Well, like it or not, we're going." Noya said, and walked over the gate.

I sigh and follow them, silently praying that this isn't a farm. 

After about 5 minutes of walking

"Guys, I really think we should go." I said, as the forest was starting to feel more and more like Grace Field.

"What's their to worry about?" Noya said

"I- just have a bad feeling." I respond, trying to to show my rising panic.

"Who's there?" A familiar voice asked 

My heart stopped when I saw her.

She hasn't changed a bit.

I let myself wander to the front of the group.

"We're just saw a fence and was curious about what was behind it, we didn't know this was private property." I say hoping she doesn't recognize me.

She does. I can see it in her face.

"I see, what are your names, mine is Isabella." she says, probably guessing my name is not going to be the same

"I'm Hinata." I say staring right in her eyes, letting her know that she's right. I am Emma.

"Hello, Hinata." she says in a cool welcoming voice.

After everyone else introduces themselves

"It's getting dark, why don't you come back to the orphanage and stay the night?"

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