Story Two | Reader Insert Part 3

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I'm REALLY sorry this took so long to write. No excuses, but anyways here's the final part :)

"Hinata?" I heard a voice from behind me question

Hinata? But that's Emm- Oh never mind it's probably a fake name.

"Y/N!" she yells running up to me

"Emma!" I yell back, going to hug her

We're both crying now.

Once we finished our little cry fest, we pull apart from our hug, wiping the tears from our eyes.

Before I could get a word out, however, she slaps me across the face.

The room gets even more quiet (if that's even possible).

"Yeah, I deserve that" I say, rubbing my sore cheek

"How could you! You had a chance to escape and you just stayed! I thought you were dead!" she yells, crying again

"I'm sorry. I couldn't just leave them!"

"We were going to go back for them." Emma says harshly

"It was an iffy situation. I needed to be there!"

Emma went quiet, at a loss for words.

"Will someone explain what's been going on?" A voice demands

I looked behind me to see a group of boys, all with looks of confusion on their faces.

"No." Ray says firmly

"I think we deserve an explanation!" The same voice yells

"Not now Kenna, it isn't safe-"

"Why not? Oh! I don't know, because you won't tell me!"

"Look, I'm sorry but I can't explain right now you just have to trust me."

"Trust you!? I don't even know you're real name because apparently it isn't what I thought it was!"

"Kenma, please calm down this is going nowhere." Ray tried

"No. You need to tell me what's going on!"

He sighed.

"Fine, but promise me you'll hear me out? All of you. And nobody can hear a word about this.

"I-" He hesitated.

"Yeah, okay I promise."

"Thank you."

Sorry for the crappy ending, I'm not continuing this currently but I wanted to at least get this out, it's been in my drafts for months. Basically he just explained about the demon world and then went and dealt with the demons and saved all the kids.

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