Story Two| Reader Insert Part 1

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3rd Person POV

"Y/N, hurry up!" Ray yelled from beyond the wall, seeing as Y/N was hesitating, not wanting to leave her teary mother behind.

"Please, Y/N, stay here, become a sister, stay alive." she pleaded, looking down at the short girl

"I-" the h/c girl started, torn between the two

"Come on we have to go!" Ray urged, hoping to convince her to come, however he only managed to make it worse.

The poor girl felt as if her heart was splitting in two.

"I can't" she cried, tears welling up in her eyes, "I have to stay, go on without me!"

"Don't be hysterical! Of course your coming!" Ray yelled back to the girl, knowing that any efforts he made in trying to change her mind would be pointless

"Ray..." the girl muttered, just loud enough for him to hear

"Let's go darling." Isabella held out her hand to the child, welcoming her into the life of a sister

"Y/N please!" Ray yelled pointlessly, desperately not wanting to leave her behind

"Don't forget about me, okay?" she whispered, barely audible across the wide gap separating them. 

The boy looked at her, promising himself that he would one day come back to save her. Whether she liked it or not. Little did either of them know, that just wasn't how fate wanted things to turn out.

About Three Years Later (You are 15 years old)

Your POV

I'm sitting all alone on my bed. My feet are firmly planted on the floor. I'm thinking back on everything that has happened to me in the past three years. I became a sister for Grace Field (quicker than anyone ever had), and I work under mom. The only reason I've cooperated this long, is because they are guaranteeing Phil's safety in return. Likewise, if I don't cooperate, they will kill Phil right in front of my eyes. (Why Phil? You may ask? Well, because he is the only other one who knows about the farms)

I just can't take it anymore! I miss Ray, Emma, and everyone else! Yet at the same time, I don't regret a single thing.

Tears are starting to wet my cheeks.

I feel so helpless. Each time a kid gets shipped, all I can do is smile and pretend that everything is as good as ever. This is so mentally straining! I feel like my head is going to burst!

I sigh, wiping the tears from under my red puffy eyes.

That's it. I have to escape. I'll take Phil and run. Once I'm out I'll find Ray and the others.

I get up and walk over to the small mirror that is sitting comfortably on the wall. I look at my reflection, staring into the e/c eyes that looked back at me.

I feel so fortunate that they didn't implant that chip into my heart. They must have a lot of faith in my empathy towards others and my bond with Phil. Too bad they forgot how smart I was.

It's decided then. I'm going to escape tonight. With Phil.

Ray (Kuroo)'s POV (He's at volleyball practice, just so you can imagine it)

I still can't believe that Norman and Emma have been right here the whole time! I can't believe I didn't notice that it was them sooner.

I come out of my thoughts when I hear the whistle blow.

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