Teaser!! Story Two | Y/N Reader Insert

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3rd Person POV

"Y/N, hurry up!" Ray yelled from beyond the wall, seeing as Y/N was hesitating, not wanting to leave her teary mother behind

"Please, Y/N, stay here, become a sister, stay alive." she pleaded, looking down at the short h/c girl

"I-" the girl started, torn between the two

"Come on we have to go!"

The poor girl felt as if her heart was splitting in two.

"I can't" she cried, tears welling up in her eyes, "I have to stay, go on without me!"

"Don't be hysterical! Of course your coming!" Ray yelled back to the girl, knowing that any efforts he made in trying to change her mind would be pointless

"Ray..." the girl muttered, just loud enough for him to hear

"Let's go darling." Isabella held out her hand to the child, welcoming her into the life of a sister

"Y/N please!" Ray yelled desperately

"Don't forget about me, okay?" she said, barely audible across the cliff

The boy looked at her, promising himself that he would one day come back to save her. Whether she liked it or not. Little did either of them know, that just wasn't how fate wanted things to play out.

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