My Moon and Stars

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I know I am skipping into the future, you'll see :) I love you all!

Oh, and Merry Christmas.


(this whole story is pretty much in Abby's POV)

It had been 4 months since the funeral. Not much had changed. The guys were on tour and took the kids with them, I know thats alot of kids right? They insisted because they wanted to spend as much time with them as they could.

"Abby! Come here and get this microwave thing to work!" Ally, Jinxx's fiance yelled from the kitchen.

Jinxx had asked her to marry him about a week ago, Right before they left for the tour.

He took her to Disneyworld and let her ride all the rides she wanted. Later that night as they were about to leave he took her out on a balcony as the fireworks were shooting and asked her to marry him. She of course said yes.

"Ally, love, you and microwaves don't mix" I said walking towards the kitchen. She had ruined not one... not two... but THREE of my microwaves.

"I know, but I am starving!' Ally said as she slumped down by the counter.

"You are lucky I like you" I said taking the frozen dinner out of her hands and putting it in the microwave.

"Ally! Abby!" Addie yelled as she unlocked the front door and came in. "I brought candy and soda and movies. Movie Night?"

"Heck. Yes." Ally said suddenly jumping up off the floor and running to Addie.

"Ithink she is more excited about the candy. And to think you used to be quiet and shy." I said rolling my eyes and finishing her microwave dinner.

"No... I love you guys... I just... Okay fine. I love candy too." Ally said and ran to the sofa.

Just then my phone started viberating.

New text message.

CC- Hey beautiful. I miss you. Alot. How is everyone?

Me- Good, I suppose Addie, Ally, and I are going to have a movie night. How are the kids?

CC- Great. They miss you guys, but they are all fine. Having a blast I hope. Have fun with your movie night. :)

Me- I am sure they are having a blast. They love watching all you old guys preform. Kidding babe, I love you.

CC- Hey, you are not far behinh me missy. Love you too.

Me-  I know... I will call later okay? I don't want them to break our DVD player.

CC- Oh please go help. I don't want another microwave incident. D:

Me- I love you babe. I miss you. Talk to you later okay?

CC- Love you. Miss you as well. I will be counting the minutes <3

Me0 <3

I locked my phone screen and walked into the living room where Addie and Ally were making a mess with the DVD's.

This was going to be an intersting night.

It was a filler chapter :) More soon, I promise this time. :)

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