and so I laid in bed with my peeled lips and broken soul and wondered how it got so bad so quickly. And though this is all I ever thought about right now, I could never find the answer. My soul broke again as I sunk lower into my cold bed. I had no idea what to do with myself, the numbness was so frustrating. That night I climbed out of bed and opened my window, and felt the cold air and it reminded me I was still there. Deep down, I wanted to talk to you, but I knew I couldn't right now. So I went to the only person that would never leave. I desperately whispered to her, the night sky, and told her everything that remained in my drained head. The hurting left inside of it. I sat dangling out of the window for hours, to no response. Maybe I was just sleep deprived, in fact I probably was. But she whispered back. And though I was sure that my life was broken, she was right. The night was quiet. Simple. And for that short moment, I was okay.