Epilogue- Things can finally resume, but a slight change added in now

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Snow's POV~

   My feet dangled down from a rood top as I sat next to Jack. Our hands were linked. "Jack," I said, getting his attention. "How did you find out about the clue I left?"

   "I went into santa'a office and looked at some books," he replied simply. "I didn't know you knew s-class spells."

   "Some people have surprises," I smirked mischieviously.

   "I've noticed," he laughed. "Tell me something I don't know."

   I leaned closer and whispered in his ear. "I have many secrets. Try to find them out." He shuddered as a chill went down his spine.

   I bursted out laughing and fell onto my back. "Oh my god! You're reaction is halarious!" I rolled over laughing.

   "it's not funny!" he yelled.

   My laughter slowly died down. I got up slowly and wiped a tear from my eyes. "Aha... Haha... Oh my god..."

   "But I have a question for you, Snow." Jack said seriously. 

   "What is it?" I tensed. What is he going to ask?

   "Is it true that... you're a fake?"

   I paused momentarily from that. I recovered before he noticed and said with a calm tone in my voice. "That depends on what you think." a small smile appeared on my lips.

   "But, the Tooth Fairy-"

   I cut him off by placing one of my fingers to his lips. "Secrets can be revealed another day, Jack. There are lies behind the truth." I removed my finger slowly.

   "What do you mean by-"

   "Just shush! ESSS OK!" I snapped in a childish manner.

   Jack paused for a moment and then bursted out in laughter. "How can you be so serious one moment then act like a 5 year old the next?!" he laughed.

   An anime vein popped onto my head. "Hey! It's not funny! Are you denying my epic awesomeness?!"

   Jack slowly stopped. "Pfft. Like you had any from the start," he laughed.

   I threw a snowball at his face for saying that. "I dare you to say that again," I hissed.

   One moment, my face is clear. The next, I'm spitting out snow and ice. "That's it!" I yelled and picked up some snow. I am so going to get him for that!!!!

   And the fight was on.


Yes! Done! I am done!!! YAHOO!!! One month... Took me one month... Well, my books are short.

I'm thinking about deleting my other fan fictions because I just SERIOUSLY screwed up on them. I messed up the plots and now I'm all e.e swirly eyes.

I'm going to write a Naruto Fan Fiction now!!! WHEE!!! For those who know it, should I make a Sasuke Love Story or  a Kakashi Love Story? I'm still debating in my mind. -_-' You guys should really help me.

I would really like to thank all of you guys for reading, voting, commenting, anf fanning me. You all deserve more than just a simple thank you, but i cant find any other words to express my gratitude towards all of you.

And I need help from all of you. >.< Do you guys enjoy stories where the main character is random or serious?

I'm having turkey for Christmas. XD YUMMYYYYY. I had hot pot today. Omg. I can still taste the meat from it. *licks lips*

I CANT WAIT FOR THE HOT CHOCO TOMORROW!!!!! (In my language, that means hot chocolate)

But, bye guys! I really love you all~

           The Kat is officially out now~ 

                      XD :> :D :3 :) >.< e.e o.o :/    <all of the emotions I am apparently feeling right now

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