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Hi everyone! This is my first watt-pad book I've ever written ever. Please bare with me I know I'm not a professional writer. Im pretty mediocre but I did want to write a story based on my favorite book series and favorite comfort character Harry Potter. Some quick things about me is that my pronouns are she/her, I'm a Slytherclaw, and have loved the Harry Potter series since I was in 4th grade. Please keep in mind I'm not British (I had to look up the difference between arse and ass because I was confused if they were the same thing.) so if I use anything wrong please tell me. I really hope you enjoy and feel free to point out if there are any mistakes and grammar. I also encourage you to comment because to be completely honest the best part of watt-pad books are the comments. 

About This Book

This book is a Harry Potter fanfic but other characters will be involved. The plot line starts in Year 3 aka. the year everyone had a glow-up. Which means Year 3 Harry so be excited. This book will also follow the plot line of the books and movies.

Y/N - Your Name

Y/N/N - Your Nick Name

F/N - Your Father's Name

M/N - Your Mothers Name

Y/E/C - Your Eye Color

Y/H/C - Your Hair Color

About Y/N Sinclair

~ She is a Slytherin (i'm really sorry if you are not one its just personally how the story goes, and I love all houses so if your a Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, or Ravenclaw I hope you can still appreciate this story

~ She is from Ilvermorny (The American Wizarding school)

~ She has a temper, sarcastic and is very competitive and sassy (a lot like Harry in that way). 

(I personally can't write a character that embarrases ME. So no Y/N will not be Elena Gilbert 😌)

Im not going to give too much away you'll find out soon enough. 

All rights, characters (except Y/N and Original characters), themes, and storylines go to She Who Must Not Be Named aka disgusting transphobe aka J.K Rowling. 

I also do not own, the gifs and pictures, as well as the music featured in the chapters.

I just want to make it FULLY clear I do not support J.K Rowling. I also do not support Tom Felton or Tom sympathizers. No matter your race, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity, you are loved and human.

Thank You all for clicking on this book and trying it out.


The Girl Who Loved The Boy Who Lived (Harry Potter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now