12. It's A Long Road Baby; Running Away

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Adventures must start with running away from home

- William Bolitho

Two weeks have passed since they were first admitted to the hospital.

This morning, Aerum with her never ending smile, appeared to be like a kid who had way too much sugar. Jumping up and down on Seo-yoon's hospital bed, she imitated the Tarzan-like pose before filling her lungs in with air and expelling it all out in a deafening roar of exaltation.

"Freedom!" she hollered from the top of her lungs.

Lisa shot up from her chair, casually walked towards the younger girl and gave her a slap on the shoulder. "Aerum," she reprimanded, "I know you're excited that you and Seo-yoon get to leave, but Nini is sleeping. So could you please keep it down?" Lisa looked at the girl who laid motionless on her bed, snuggled in a newly washed sheet.

Jennie furrowed her eyes as a frown drooped from her lips.

She thought that her best friend was either in a lot of pain or having a terrible nightmare, she hoped that it was the latter.

Aerum stopped jumping before crawling out of the bed. "Sorry unnie, I forgot."

"That's alright," Lisa responded with a light smile, "just... celebrate quietly."

The younger girl nodded before giving her an 'okay' sign with her fingers. "Oh, unnie," Aerum began again, taking a hold of Lisa's shoulder, "it's been two weeks, two weeks!"

Puzzled by what she said, Lisa arched an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"

"Two weeks have passed and Seo-yoon still remembers!" Aerum quietly rejoiced. "This is it, I just know it. She's going to remember, she's going to remember everything!"

Lisa wanted to remind her that Seo-yoon had permanent anterograde amnesia, so she doubted that the girl would spontaneously be cured from it. She didn't want to wipe that smile from her though, so she kept quiet.

"That's great Aerum" Lisa softly replied.

"Isn't it? I knew that all my months of praying paid off" Aerum said before skipping towards their room's washroom. The door was closed and so she knocked three times before calling her fiancee who was cleaning herself up inside.

"Seo!" Aerum whispered, "are you almost done?"

"What?" the voiced asked from behind the door.

"I said, Are you almost done?"

"Sorry, I can't hear you. What did you say?"

"I said," Aerum wailed, "ARE YOU ALMOST DONE?!"

"SSSHHHHHHH" Lisa scolded with her index finger to her lips.

There was some ruffling coming from beside Lisa, and both she and Aerum froze as they jerked their heads to the direction of the sound. Jennie shifted on her bed before slowly opening her eyes.

Aerum wouldn't simply be walking out of the hospital today, Lisa thought as her expression darkened, she'd be riding out of the hospital, inside a coffin.

The younger girl swallowed the lump in her throat before asking for the thousandth time this week, "I'm sorry unnie, did we wake you?"

Usually Jennie would flash a smile at her before replying with some sort of sarcastic remark, but not today. She rubbed her eyes, let out a yawn, and glanced at the two girls with empty eyes. It was scary how things could change so fast and without warning; just yesterday Jennie and Aerum were childishly rapping away as they wore surgical masks on their foreheads - apparently, her best friend said that it made them look "gangsta".

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