How Do I Look?

62 14 5

April 2, 1977

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A day after two adorable wee devils were welcomed into this world by the Weasley family, James and Lily Potter were invited to the Borrow to bestow their blessing upon the newborns and enjoy a guaranteed lovely evening with one of the finest Wizarding families Britain has to boast of. It's not an invitation anyone in there right minds would decline.

And James and Lily were very much in their right minds at the moment, and were doing last minutes preparations to leave their cozy cottage to meet Remus, Sirius and Peter on the way to Molly and Arthur's place.

All James had to do today was put on a pair of kaki slacks and a clean dress shirt (a big achievement for him), so he was leaned back against the head board of the bed with nothing to do except watch as Lily touched up on her make-up.

But he just couldn't relax and enjoy the view because something kept bugging him as he watched his wife rummage through her jewelry box.

"Hey, Lily?" he called when he couldn't take it any more.

"Hmm?" Lily answered as she looked at herself in the mirror and put her second earring on, concentrating hard so as not to prick her skin. Because that would be very annoying.

James cleared his throat and tugged at the sleeve of his dressshirt before continuing. "I noticed something and . . . and . . . You never ask me if you look okay or something like that whenever we're about to leave the house. Why . . . why is that?"

Lily stopped fiddling with the earring and turned away from the vanity table's mirror to look at James properly. "Umm. I just didn't know guys liked to be bothered by things like that."

James sighed before smiling. "But I want to be bothered by anything about you." he said, scooting off the bed so he was sitting on the edge of it now. "I think I spent a good eight years- and counting- trying to make that obvious."

Lily stood up and looked at James intently, her bottom lip between her teeth. "Hmm." she hummed before going over to their bathroom, opening the door and walking inside.

James just stared after her as she closed the bathroom door and disappeared for seconds without an explanation. He started to have a minor panic attack at the thought he might have stayed something he shouldn't. It was too good to last forever, anyway.

But Lily came back out not long after and smiled at him. "James? How do I look?" she asked.

James' face broke into a big smile as he stood up. "Lovely."

Lily came over to where he was standing and stood on her toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks. But we need to go."

"Of course. We wouldn't want Sirius throwing one of his fits if we're late." he laughed and held out his arm for her.

"He's such a man-child sometimes." Lily muttered as they descended the stairs to the bottom floor of the cottage.

The two walked out into the golden evening of Godric's Hallow hand in hand, rich pastel and indigo colors painting their evening to an almost unrealistic beauty, both unable to suppress the dopey smiles that had taken over their faces.

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