
547 9 0


15 years old


September 12 2021

Leilani pov:

I was sitting in Chris's room waiting for him to come back from the store.

I then hear the door open.

Ever since what happened my brother has been there for me and so has my papa. Papa=dad

Daniel has been the best father figure I've never had. Yes my biological dad was good but he never asked if I was ok and checked on me. And Chris he's just the best brother you can ask for. Yea he can be overprotective at times but he makes sure I'm ok.

Chris: "hey Lani"

Lani: "hi Chris got the snacks"

Chris: "yup but we're watching a scary movie"

Lani: "ok"

During the movie the setting was at a school.

Lani: "I wish I could go to school" I whispered

Chris: "no you don't I hated school"

Lani: "I would at least appreciate a day at school to have that experience"

Chris: "you want to I could sneak you in one near by and we can't tell dad"

Lani: "really when"

Chris: "today is Sunday so we can go tomorrow"

Lani: "I love you so much thank you"

I was on the verge of tears.

Chris: "thing is you can't go to any classes"

Lani: "at least I can be on a campus"

Lani: "PAPA"

Dan: "YES"


He then walks through the door.

Dan: "yes"

He sounded exhausted.

Lani: "whats wrong"

Dan: "just training"

Lani: "without me"

💭I found that pretty weird because every time Dan trains without me he's angry. I know for a fact that he was angry but I didn't want to stress him anymore than he already is💭

Dan: "whatever what do you want"

Lani: "Chris and I are going to the mall tomorrow and the skate park"

Dan: "ok? Your brother is an adult you didn't have to let me know"

Lani: "ok well bye"

I got up but before I could leave Chris grabs my wrist.

Chris: "where are you going"

Lani: "to my room"

Chris: "why so early"

Lani: "to pick out some clothes for tomorrow"

Chris: "your funny"

I left and closed his door because in this house it's respectful. Children's rule ofc.

Time skip: 5:40 p.m.

Someone knocks on my door.

Lani: "who is it"

Chris: "Chris"

Lani: "come in"

Chris: "ok so we are going to PVH"

Lani: "what's that"

Chris: "Passaic Valley high school"

Lani: "yay I love you so much I owe you anything you want"

Chris: "I actually have to tell you something"

Lani: "what is it"

Chris: "actually I'm going to tell you tomorrow after we leave the school ok"

Lani: "ok?"

💭that was weird💭

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