Dead all over again

407 10 3

A/n: I changed the age to 15 so it will make more sense later on in the story. So wherever you see your age 17 it's not it's 15.


November 10 2019

3:34 p.m.

Leilani pov:

💭good thing I can track my car💭

I ran in the cold winds following my tracker.

Finally getting to my car I hop in and take a minute to breathe.

💭I never ate my chic-fil-a eh I'll eat tomorrow💭

I drove back home not really wanting to.

💭I wish I had friends like Kai so I wouldn't have to go home right now💭

I make it home not wanting to open the door but I had to.

With hesitation I open the door.

First thing to my vision I see was Chris and Daniel sitting on the couch looking stressed.

Once they notice I'm here they freeze.

💭they've been crying... whatever I shouldn't feel bad💭

Lani: "hi?"

I was annoyed that they were just sitting there not saying anything just staring at me until they look down at my hands.

I looked down to see my hands still bleeding and needing stitches.

Chris: "omg let me help you what the hell happened"

Lani: "I'm fine I didn't even notice on the drive back I'll clean it myself"

Chris: "please let me help"

Lani: "fine let's go"

I rolled my eyes because I was still angry at him but at the end of the day Chris was always there ever since what happened.

Dan: "who you rolling ya eyes at"

Chris: "dad n-"


Lani: "I want to hear what you have to say"

💭Michael: "I hope you have your gun"💭

Daniel starts fast walking towards me.

I pull out my gun and aim it at his head because I didn't know what he would do he's not my father and anyone can be an enemy.

Dan: "what the hell are you doing"

Lani: "listen Daniel I love you and as you can tell I'm going through something right now but earlier you clearly didn't get that. I wanted space you didn't let me have that so I went and got some myself. You saying your my father was very valid but you got to understand that in your hands I was left alone with people I barely knew and ended up getting raped. The motion of your hands gave me chills and worry that it was all going to happen again. I totally forgive you because you trusted them but you scared me. And you. Chris you could have told me earlier. When are you leaving."

I was ready to lower the gun until Chris gets up and try's coming to me. I put the gun back up.

Chris: "l-look I-I'm leaving Friday"

Lani: "you should have just told me earlier so we can spend time together can I come over"

Chris: "anyone can be watching Lani especially since Mattia knows your with me"

💭fuck I have to tell him💭

I lower the gun.

Lani: "speaking of Mattia I saw him at the old cabin with my old best friend and some other kid they're all part of the Polibios mafia"

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