In my backyard

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*Time skip*


November 10 2021

4:56 a.m

Leilani pov:

It's been exactly 2 years without Daniel and Chris. I am now 17. I train nonstop. I never leave the house unless I'm going grocery shopping and running errands. I've lost so much weight and now I am developing toned abs. The other Mafias tell me to carry on the mafia but I say I'm on my own and I have to learn to live like an assassin should. I haven't seen Kai which I'm not complaining about. As a matter of fact I haven't seen any of the boys but I'm always in the house so it makes sense.

I was currently in the training room sweating like a pig.

Once I was finished practicing new stunts I hopped in the shower and put this on.

I was planning on going to the forest and sitting on the cliff

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I was planning on going to the forest and sitting on the cliff. The cliff Kai and I used to go when one of us were feeling sad.

Tbh I really did miss Kai but what he did was something I will never forget. I'll forgive him maybe but I won't ever look at him the same.

Once I arrive I sit down.

I sigh due to all the stress I've been through these past few years.

Soon I hear a branch break assuming it was just an animal until someone sits next to me.

I quickly get up and get into my fighting position.

But the person just sits there.

??: "chill it's just me, Kairi"

Lani: "so I don't care if your Kairi or not"

Kai: "can you just come sit down"

Lani: "whatever"

I sit about 1 foot away from him.

Kai: "I'm sorry..... for everything. It was my fault they took your fa-"

It took a minute for me to understand what he was saying and to why he paused. Until I knew where he messed up.

💭did he just say my family isn't dead they just took them💭

Lani: "what did you just say"

Kai: "u-uh nothing just forget it"

Lani: "how am I supposed to forgive you when your lying"

Kai: "I'm going to go"

He gets up and starts walking away. I bolted towards him grabbing his right arm while tripping him and having my foot on his back.

Lani: "tell me"

He doesn't respond.

So I pull his arm a bit to the left.

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