Chapter 6

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A/N: If you remember it from the movie, I don't own it.  I'd like to thank mircosedy from for beta-reading my story.

When Kat arrived at the diner, Dan gathered all the waitresses, cooks and busboys to make an announcement.

"What's going on?" Kat whispered to Maria as she took her place in the audience standing right next to her.

"Dan got a few complaints and he's addressing them," Maria explained in a whisper.

"Only a few?" Kat said scoffing.

"So, how'd your date go last night?" Maria asked.

"Well, we had a nice chat at the cafe, I took him back to my place and, long story short," Kat said the next thing with a smile and made her voice high enough to be excited but still at a whisper.  "I'm not a virgin anymore!"

"Great, now you can stop getting jealous every time Ryan or I talk about our sex lives," Maria whispered back.

Maria and Kat tuned Dan out as he continued talking.

"You know, you're the second person who's said that today," Kat remarked.

"Where many women treated their virginity as a precious gift, you treated yours like a disease," Maria said.

"Yeah, imagine if I'd still been a virgin at 25," Kat said with a small laugh.  "At least now I can say that a struck a blow for women everywhere!"

"Kat, you just had sex.  You didn't end world hunger," Maria said rolling her eyes.

"And, thanks to me, women everywhere will be able to treat their sex lives in the same manner you and I do," Kat explained.  "I can see it now, I'm a famous writer who never married and had no children, just one fling after another.  Introducing a new way of life for women who want to be more than a barefoot and pregnant housewife."

"I still say you're making a big deal out of nothing," Maria told Kat.

"It may not be a big deal to you but it's a big deal to me," Kat defended.  "I just want to ask you something.


"How was..." Kat began, unsure of how to ask this.  "What was your first time like?"

"Well, I was 16-," Maria began in contemplation.

"16!" Kat exclaimed astonished.

That certainly got Dan's attention.

"Kitty, Maria," Dan said, turning to them.  "Is there something you want to share with the rest of us."

"We were just talking about how great it was to work for such an amazing boss like you!" Maria said, the false flattery in her voice evident to everyone except Dan.

"Carry on," Dan said, flattered by Maria's words while everyone else looked at her in disdain.

Dan returned to his speech.

"Compared to who, Satan?" Kat whispered sarcastically.

"No, Dan's what Satan aspires to become," Maria responded with equal sarcasm, causing Kat to quietly laugh.  "Why are you so shocked that I lost it at 16?"

"You always told me that you've been having drinking contests since you were 14," Kat defended.

"Yeah, I started partying at 14," Maria explained.  "I didn't lose my virginity until I was 16."

"Oh, glad we cleared that up," Kat said blushing.  "How was it?"

"Awkward," Maria said.  "I take it your first time was too."

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