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''What- '' She replied. Akira fully heard what he said, but she wanted him to repeat what he said.

''Should we move in together?'' he asked once again, as he places his head on her shoulder pushing his face into her neck, with her sitting in front of him, and him behind her. She looked up at him. ''Isn't it too soon? I legit just moved in this apartment.'' She asked.

''You don't want to?'' He asked sadly, his voice fell. Almost like a puppy that you scolded. He held her closer to him. She looked at him, he looked sad, her heart panged against her chest. ''Okay,'' She said softly. ''But after I graduate, I only have 4 months left.''

''By then you'll be 6 months'' he said to himself softly. ''I'll find a 3-bedroom house'' he said excitedly. ''We can decorate a room for the nursery.'' He rambled on. He rubbed her tummy and began talking to her tummy. ''Daddy can't wait to see you baby'' He said softly.

''Ciel are you sure about this?'' she asked softly.

''What do you mean?'' He asked, puzzled.

She turned around facing him, as she played with her fingers, ''Ciel you're in your 1st year of college, and you're about to be a father, don't you think it's a bit too soon, you're a college student you should be able to enjoy your college l''

''Akira stop, you're making me angry'' He said, as he got up and began pacing the room, with his hand on his head, as he breathes heavily. ''Are we back at square one Akira?!'' he said loudly.'' FUCK'' He shouted loudly. She flinched, he realizes, and kneeled down in front of her. ''I'm sorry, it's just that I want this okay, You, our baby, a family'' He said. ''I don't want to live out a so-called college life I'd rather come home to you and our baby instead of partying out, I wanna be with you I wanna help take care of our lil bean. I want this Akira, I know that you're still having second thoughts, I'm sorry I let this happen, I knew you weren't ready for kids now, but I'll be there for you and our baby I promise. I love you.'' He said, he pulled out something from his back pocket, and opened the case, inside lies a cute diamond ring. ''Marry me? I mean not now obviously, we'll wait until you're ready, we can just wear them as a promise ring if you want, I got another one for myself,'' he rambled, his cheek getting red.

''Ciel. Ciel, she called out to him as he rambled, ''It's fine yes, I guess we can wear it as a promise ring now.''

After they both put on the ring, he places a tiny kiss on the corner of her lips, pulled her close to his chest, and hugs her close. He rests his head on her shoulder and inhaled her sweet scent. With her back towards his lower half, his dick began to grow. ''Akira'' he said in a raspy voice. He places tiny kisses on her neck, with his hand resting on her thigh, he caresses them as he kisses the back of her neck then her earlobes, then he whispered hoarsely, ''Can I?'' He asked as he squeezed her leg softly. She leaned her head back on his shoulder and nodded, and spread her legs, with that he touches her clit through her panty, it was hard. She jolted with the first touch, and let out a low moan. With his lips on her neck still, he rubbed her clit with his index finger, then he pulled her panty aside, and touch her bare clit. He began rubbing it in an up-down motion then moving it in a circular motion, she matches his rhythm, grinding her lower half on his finger, he added another finger inside her and she clenched her walls around his finger.

''Fuck loosen up baby'' he said lowly, leaving kisses all over her body. He pulled his finger out looking at the long string of her wetness on his finger. ''You so wet'' he said hoarsely, near her ears. Then pushed his two fingers in her once again. ''Ciel ngh ah'' She moaned his name. His dick twitches in excitement, he loves hearing her moaning his name. He fucked her with his fingers the wet sounds as he pumped in and out of her pussy, her moans and their breathing were the only sound in the room. When he felt her clench hard on his fingers, he knew she was gonna cum.

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