Chapter 9

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So I wrote a new version of this story. You will see stuff from this story but its going to be somewhat different than this story. First chapter is up. Thank you for reading.

I came in like a wrecking ball

I never hit so hard in love

All I wanted was to break your walls

All you ever did was wre-e-eck me

Yeah you, you—

I groan and slap my alarm clock shut. I yawn and slowly get out of bed and walk downstairs to make myself breakfast. As I walk downstairs I almost fell. Mostly because I wasn't looking where I put my feet.

When I arrive in my kitchen I open the kitchen cabinet that has my pancake mix. I take pancake mix and all the utensils used to make pancakes. I mixed the entire ingredient and put the pancakes in the frying pan. As my pancakes were getting ready I decide to make eggs and bacon. 10 minutes later I was done making myself breakfast and I was seating in my living room eating while watching TV.

I was putting syrup on my pancakes when the house phone rang. I reach to the coffee table and take. I look at the number to see it's Keyla.Wow. I haven't seen or talk to her in a while. I bet she's pretty mad at me now.

"Hey girl!." I greeted her cheerfully.

"Don't 'Hey girl' me. I've been calling for the past-"she pauses and I can hear her counting on the background. I chuckle at her. "-20 hours. Where were you girl? I was worried about you."

I smile softly and said, "Well I'm sorry for making you worry about me and I was out on a date with-"

I hear her squeal on the phone. I pull the phone away since she was loud. "Oh my god! Who were you on the date with?" She asks.

"I was on a date with Elliot." I answer.

"Wait Elliot? As in Elliot Elliot? The one Adam punched because he was all over you Elliot?" She asks with confusion on her voice.

"Yep" I said popping the 'p' in yep. "That Elliot." I said as I put a piece of bacon in my mouth.

"Oh. Well how did it go?" She asks as she takes a sip on a drink or something.

"Not so great"

"Really? How come?"

"Well first I was a little bit late because Adam and I got into a fight."

"So he was mad because you were late?"

"Yep. I wasn't even that late, maybe 5 minutes late or less."

"And he was mad only for that? Wow what a jerk"

"You're telling me."

"Wait, aren't you working today?"

My eyes widen and I drop my fork on my plate. I look over at the clock and my living room to see that it was 8:55 and I'm supposed to be at work at 9. "Shit! Bye K Call you later. I promise I'll call tonight."

"Kay. Bye." Then she hung up. I took my food and put it on the fridge. I quickly run upstairs to my room to get ready. I took a five minutes shower and when I was done I started searching for clothes. Finally I found the right one. I put them on and then decided to do make up. For my make up I put on smoky eye shadow and then I put on pink lipstick. I brushed my hair and leave it down.

"Good" I smile to myself. I take my phone, keys and bag and get out of my bedroom. When I arrived downstairs I look at the clock to see that it is 9:15. Adam is not gonna be happy. I quickly get out of the house lock the front door and went to the garage. I get in my car and drive to Moon Corp.

I speed walk to my office and I was about to walk in when I see Ian by the printer printing some papers.

"Ian, hey."

He looks up from the printer give me a small smile and wave than his printed papers and walk away.

Okay, what's up with him?

Maybe he had a rough morning or something, I try to convince myself. But I didn't' really believe it.

I shrug and walk into my office. I take a seat and decided to finish my paper work. I was halfway done when someone knock on my door.

"Come in"

"Miss Johnson? Mr. Moon wants you in his office." A woman's voice said with a bored tone. I look up to see a girl about my age maybe. She has red hair and she's wearing a skirt that is way too short.

"Thank you" I answered sweetly.

She roll her eyes and said, "Whatever"

"Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" I mumble. I get up, take my clipboard and walk to Adam's office.

When I arrive at his office door I knock a couple of times and I opened it when I hear a 'come in'.

I walk in to see Adam seating on his desk typing on his Blackberry.

"Morning Adam." I greet him as I hold the clip to my chest tightly.

He look up from his phone with a solemn look on his face, look at me up and down then he said fatly, "It's Mr. Moon to you Ms. Johnson" then he went back doing god knows what on his phone.

I look down at my heels and said, "So I guess you're still mad at me for what I said to you yesterday huh?"

He didn't say anything. He put his phone on his desk then he walk toward the glass window and look outside. I sigh, roll my eyes and walk toward him.

"Look, I'm sorry okay. I really am. I'm not gonna take back any of the things I told you. Ever since I started working here you have been nothing but a jerk to me." I tell him.

He sighs in frustration and run his hands through his hair. "I know and I'm sorry too Jessica. It's just I've never met a girl like you before. You're the first girl who has the gut to call me names or yell at me. You're different. I get all over-protective when it comes to you. I know this might sound- I don't know weird to you but I feel like you're the one Jess. Yesterday after our fight I realized that I love you Jessica." He said to me with a really cute look on his face.

I froze. I didn't know what to say. Adam. Adam Moon loves me. Out of all the women in the world he chose me. Jessica Elizabeth Johnson. Adam loves me. He loves me.

"Jess?" He said as he walks toward me. "Please say something." I said nothing. He shake me a little.

"I-I-I don't know what- what to say"

He let go of me and back a way a little. "I knew it" He said as he turn away from me to face the door.

I look at him with a confused expression. "You knew what?"

He turns to face me and my heart shattered. There stood Adam with teary eyes in front of me. "I knew you were going to say that you don't love me." With that said he walk away from an open a door then close it with a loud bang.

I can't believe it. I jus made Adam cry! I jut made AdamFreaking Moon cry!

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