Chapter 4

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So I wrote a new version of this story. You will see stuff from this story but its going to be somewhat different than this story. First chapter is up. Thank you for reading.

"I'm gonna ask you one more time. Why. Are. You. Touching. My Girl?"Adam asks the guy whose name I just find out is Elliot. Wait! Since when was I his girl?

The 'Elliot' guy moves his hands from my wait to my hips. "Ah Adam! Haven't seen you in a while." He said.

Adam move a bit towards Elliot and I. Elliot stays were he was. I look at his face and I could see that he's not scared of Adam.

The people around us started murmuring to each other. "I'm gonna ask you and I'm gonna ask you nicely. Let. Her. Go." Adam said through gritted teeth.

Elliot chuckle and said, "Why do you care so much huh? She's just your stupid assistant."

I look up at him- since he was taller than me but not as tall as Austin- with my mouth hang open, "You do know I can hear you and that I'm standing right in front of you right?"

He looks down at me and said, "I know" then he kiss my cheek. Ok. DA FUQ!

"Ok that's it" I heard Adam said before I find myself on the floor and seeing Adam beating the shit out of Elliot. Some people around us gasps and others shriek.

My eyes widen. "Adam! Stop it!" I yell as I get up from the floor. Two guys came out of nowhere and took Adam off of Elliot. When I look at Elliot I gasp. His face was red. There is blood coming out of his nose. He has a black eye and his cheeks are red as a tomato. Not really but you know what I mean right?

"Oh my god Adam why did you do that?" I ask him.

"Because he was touching what is mine. And nobody touches what's mine" He said angrily.

I groan and run my hands through my face. I don't care if my make up smear on my face. "Would you stop saying that? I am not yours and I will never be yours okay?" I tell him angrily.

Who the heck does he think he is saying that his. I'm a person not an object. I am not anyone's property.

"Yeah she's not." Elliot said. Adam glare at him and he smirk.

"Okay everybody. The party''s over." A bold old man wearing a gray suit said. Then everybody started leaving.

I look at Elliot and see two ladies cleaning his face. Then I look at Adam angrily. "I wanna go home"

He sighs and take my hand. I harshly take it away from his and stated walking toward the exit. Bad idea, next thing I know my back was on the wall and my face was centimeters way from Adam's face. I gulp

"Don't you dare walk away from me or disobey me you hear me?" He said in my ear harshly as he wraps his fingers on my wrist. I nodded and whimper a little since his fingers were tightly wrap around my wrist. "Good. Now let's go." He takes my hand and I let him.

We went outside and we were again bombarded with paparazzi asking us questions about what happened inside. We ignored them and went to the limo.

When we were inside I didn't look at Adam but I can feel him staring at me. "Come on say something." I ignore him and look at my hands on my lap. I gasp. There are red finger prints on my wrist. "What? what's wrong?" He asks with a concern voice. I shake my head and look at the window. "Seriously Jessica?" I ignore him again. "Oh. So we're having the silent treatment now aren't we? Well two can play this game" That was the last thing I heard from him for the rest of the ride. Then it started raining.

20 minutes later we were in front of my house. I said a quick goodbye and leaped out of the limo so I won't get wet, but mostly to get away from Adam. I heard Adam calling my name but I didn't turn back. I unzip my clutch to take out my keys to open the door when find no keys. Oh no! I didn't lose my keys did I?

I turn around to see Adam's limo still there. I dumbly ring my bell but nothing. I mean come on. I'm the only one living here.

Then I heard a door slam shut. "Is everything okay here?" Adam asks as he walk toward me while rubbing his hands because it was a little cold outside.

"No I- I t-think I lost my k-k-keys" I said to him while shivering.

"Here" He take off his suit jacket and put it on my shoulders. His scent then filled my nostrils. Ah smell so good!

"I'm gonna call Keyla to pick me up so I can stay at her house for the night" I said as I take out my phone.

"No!" Adam yells as he takes my phone out of my hand and throws it away. I look at him with my eyes and mouth wide open. The heck is wrong with this dude. "No. You're coming home with me and that's final." With that he carry me to the limo. When we were in the limo he put me on his lap and told the chauffeur to drive to his house fast.

This is gonna be a long night.

The Billionaire's New Assistant *Old Version*Where stories live. Discover now