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He couldn't take it. It had only been a few days since his last encounter with the Actor - the flip of the script and the unspoken "promise" of his return - he couldn't take it anymore. He was looking over his shoulder at every turn, panicked eyes memorizing every inch of his surroundings every two seconds. He was beginning to scare even himself - he was the leader of the Iplier Egos, he can't be doing this, he can't be showing his fear, oh god what if he comes around the corner -

Dark couldn't take the dread in his gut. He couldn't take Damien screaming at him to lock himself in his room for the rest of his existence, only allowing Wilford in his room to give him food and water. He couldn't take Celine screaming at him to kill the bastard before he got the chance to hurt anyone ever again.

So he continued on with his life, allowing his fear to control his actions - Anti teased him about it once, and Dark hadn't spoken to the Glitch Bitch since.
Wilford, a comforting and reassuring presence, has become more frequent - nowadays if you want to speak to Dark, you had to go through the ex-Colonel first.

Damien was delighted by this change, living vicariously through the subtle glances and light flirty banter that Dark and Wilford engaged in. Celine hated it - they were straying from their goal, they needed to kill the Actor - she was the one to force Dark back on task, ending the growing tension in the room before it could be dealt with.
Wilford was beginning to get frustrated. Every time he made some sort of headway with his intent to finally get Dark in bed with him, Dark ended the conversation abruptly.

Was Dark teasing him?

Or just trying to lead him on?

He wanted Dark, and Dark obviously knew it. He wasn't blind.

So what was he playing hard-to-get for?

Wilford supposed it was simply a continuation of their cat-and-mouse game they'd been playing since they met - but... it felt different now.

Maybe there was more to his relationship with Dark than a simple fuck... I mean, he's always kind of figured there was, but..

Is... this what being in love felt like?
The shadow in the corner of the room watched Dark's growing panic, and scowled at that bubblegum idiot's attempt to seduce his love interest. It watched Dark in his fitful rest, and stroked his darling's raven hair gently.

"Don't you worry, my sweet, I'll take you away from that idiot before you know it~."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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