Twin Skeletons (Hotel in NYC)

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A startled slam of the door. Heavy breathing, That android in his face, asking him where he's been. A barking order -

"Google, lock this place down. No one in or out. Every entrance and exit sealed until I say otherwise."

A hurried nod, and the blip of the manor's security interface coming to life. Frantic tapping. More breathing - was it his own? - and then, softly, slowly:

"Darkipoo? You're home...! I missed you so much, where'd you go?"

Dark gripped his oldest friend and almost-lover's shirt as tightly as he could, startling Google who was following the demon's frantic order. Wilford held him gently as he began to calm, and then a knock at the plexiglass windows startled him, and the cooing voice of the man on the other side seemed to chill him to the bone.

"Oh, come now, Dark~ You played the villain so well, why can't you embrace the new role I have for you~?"

It was then that Wilford understood what had spooked his best friend so badly - Actor was flipping the script. He'd never done that, in the century that he and Dark had known the bastard.

Wilford Warfstache couldn't help but wonder what Actor was playing at. He stayed quiet, though, trying to comfort his friend.
"Dark, I realized something recently."


"I've made a mistake, Dark."

"You've made hundreds, but go on."

"I've casted you all wrong - you, the fusion of my sweet Celine, and her twin brother... I bet Damien never even knew of my brother's amorous disposition toward him, did he?"


"William was in love with Damien - he admitted it to me himself, while off his shits that night. So, what better way to show William the error of his ways than by sweeping what's left of his beloved off their feet? I pegged you as the villain, Dark, but I was wrong. You're the love interest."

"Wh- you're more insane than ever if you really think I'm going to comply with this. Leave me be, Actor."

"Oh, I know I'll have to make up for the mistake, my dear Dark~ But I do love the thrill of the chase."
Dark was gripping Wilford's shirt, all too aware of the cooing voice calling for him outside the Iplier ego manor. Damien was crying, and Celine was screaming - the two of them and the overwhelming feeling of dread consumed him, and he sunk into his oldest friend's embrace, lost in the memory of Actor's confession - Dark suddenly realized he was terrified.

He gripped Wilford's shirt tighter, trying not to drown in the sea of dread and confusion stewing in his gut.

As long as he's got Wilford, he will be fine.

As long as he has his Colonel, he'll be fine.

As long as William can protect her from Actor, she'll be okay.

They'll be okay. As long as they have him.

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