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synonym: closeness, togetherness

1. close familiarity or friendship; closeness.

"the intimacy between me and her."



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10:32 AM, Thursday

There are a lot of metaphors to describe Lisa. Ones that do not need much explanation for someone to understand. She was kind, understanding, amazing and almost every adjective you could ever think of.

But sometimes - she was the deepest word in your vocabulary. She was difficult to connect to. Like no matter how open you both are, there are certain parts of her she doesn't want to open about.

Like her father, she never dwells on that subject for long. For her, that topic is a blackhole. Once you start, and continue, she can never get out of the blackhole that wraps her around sadness.

Most days she was like the sunflower on a field. Always bubbly, yellow and vibrant. Always laughs, cracks a joke, or tickle you until you cry of laughter. She was all complexity in a person. Difficult and easy. Hard and soft. Love and hate.

I have come to know her even deeper the past month we've been together. A month ago, we made everything between us come to color when I said yes on her anatomy building rooftop, with the vibrant yellow and blue fireworks blasting off above us. And all throughout that period, she's been the best girlfriend I ever had.

There are times we argue. Over such little things, those are. Sometimes she gets mad when I distract her while she's studying here in my condo, but mostly she just stay silent about it. She doesn't get mad often, same goes to me. I rarely get mad, only when she get sick once again when she overwork herself with studying.

We've been together for a month now, but intimacy was all limited on kisses, makeouts, and cuddles. She was not the type who would rush me out the moment I said yes. She wanted every first of us to be sentimental and genuine. And that's something I adore about her.

I was seated comfortably on my desk, with my novel plastered on the Mac infront of me, I was halfway through writing this story. It was about a girl who was diagnosed by a certain mental disease which locks her up on the sanctuary of her room, depressed and suicidal. But when she met someone who turned her world upside down, it became her lifeline.

My phone rang. I annoyingly picked it up seeing my sister's caller ID, "What?"

"You idiot. You've been home for like nearly 3 months already, and you never visited Dad yet. He's looking for you, and he's considering visiting you in there."

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