im in love

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I'm sure I'm in love. My name is clay, nickname dream. I am the football teams quarterback, and I'm also bisexual. I know, football is literally the straightest thing ever but love is love. No one at this school knows, matter of fact only my close family knows. I could never trust anyone at school, including one of my closest friends nick (sapnap). That kid is such a jerk, I'm only friends with him because I kinda need my social life.

Anyways that stuff doesn't matter, Saturn does. He is the most adorable human on earth. He has brunette hair and chocolate brown eyes, and he's wayyy shorter than me. I call him Saturn because I don't really know his name, and I could never build up the courage to ask him. I know that he loves space though, last year for the science fair he made a project that looked exactly like the solar system. He wears space related stuff, reads space books, and even posts about it on Instagram. Of course I don't follow him on Instagram because well I'm a popular quarterback and he's not... but he's still perfect in my eyes.

On Instagram he posts daily photo updates from NASA on whatever happens in space. He also posts many pictures of him which makes me blush every time I see them. My favorite is the one where he did a solar system makeup look with all the planets on his cute little face and some purplish blue eyeshadow. I'm not really interested in space, I'm interested in him.


Now onto the second semester of the year, our connections classes got changed today. I was so hyped to have gym! Since I am athletic and all. What I wasn't expecting was to see Saturn in my gym class, cmon couldn't this school tell he isn't sporty? That's okay because it's just more time for me to admire him.

"Everybody line up, today you are going to run until you can't feel your legs!" The coach yells. I could see the the panic on saturns face. Of course he does what anyone who hates gym would do, he asks to go to the bathroom. I over to my football buddies as we get lined up to run, there was no doubt I would be the last one standing. After about 2 minutes of running, people start giving up and sitting on the bleachers. I keep running being the jock I am. Eventually I'm the only one left.

As I stop running and put my hands on my knees to catch my breath, I see a face watching me on the bleachers, Saturn. I feel myself start to blush but luckily you can't notice since I was red from running. Then I see nick walk through the gym doors late, oh no. Now I'll have to deal with that douchebag, hopefully he doesn't notice that I'm like totally in love with a small boy in our gym class.

"What's up man!" Nick shouts, he's so annoying "nothing much, just smoked everyone in running haha." I reply.

I look over to see Saturn still staring at me, did he like me back? I mean he is openly gay but.. me? I'm pretty sure all that running just made me drowsy, the most perfect boy on the planet could not possibly like me. Though I have some hope, I push those thoughts away as I hear the coach shout "okay everyone, nice job running, now it's time for your favorite, dodgeball!" I could see the fear in Saturns eyes when he heard those words.

Thankfully Saturn and I were put on the same team, I could never hit him. Nick was put on the opposite team, I swear if he hits Saturn. We lines up on opposite sides of the gym and hear the whistle blow signaling us to start. I run to the middle of the gym grabbing a ball and instantly getting someone out. I look back at Saturn and he looks scared. I had to do something, I could not let him get hit even if it was with a dodgeball.

I walk over to him with a ball in hand if anyone tries to pull anything and say "get behind me, I won't let anyone hit you." He quickly accepts the offer and we go back to the front where I can get more people out. Nick is working on getting all my other teammates out.

I can feel saturns body heat against me, I blush but again no one can see it because it's gym. Nick proceeds to get everyone on our team out, and heads over to in front of me. I managed to get all of his team out also. He notices the small boy standing behind me, and gives him a dirty look.

I swear if this idiot hits my baby.

He starts to pick up another ball, looking me straight in the eyes. He motions me to move out of the way and I shake my head. Before I can even think I feel the ball hitting me in the side.


I can't be there to protect Saturn anymore, I accept my defeat and sit close to the game on the bleachers. Nick picks up another ball as Saturn stands there. He throws it with all his muscle, and knocks Saturn down. I see Saturn start crying while holding his face where nick hit him, I wanted to murder nick. As if that wasn't bad enough, he walks over to Saturn and kicks him. I hear nick say "aww your such a baby hiding behind Dream! You don't deserve life you little *f slur*"

I was balling my fists up, angrier than ever. I run over where Saturn is on the ground crying and nick is standing over him. I swing and punch nick in the face, he then grabs his nose in pain.

I hope he broke it.


Thank you for reading! <3

1020 words

Saturn - dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now