Parks and Awkwardness

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You woke up with the rising sun, stretching and then pulling yourself out of bed. You hopped in the shower that was adjoining your and Gilbert' room. You wrapped yourself in a towel, realizing you forgot your clothes. You opened the door and walked in, but noticed you were in the wrong room. Before you had time to turn around, Gilbert walked into his room with only his boxers on, Toothbrush in his mouth. You quickly covered your face, "ah, ah I'm sorry. Eeep. I didn't mean to-Uhm come in this way..." You tried backing into the bathroom, to no avail. You uncovered your eyes, and immediately stared at his abs. He dropped his Toothbrush, making it land on the ground with a soft thud. He began staring, and then you realized, you were only in a towel, "Oh god." you mentally smacked yourself. Gilbert took your shoulders and turned you towards the door, pushing you into the bathroom. You noticed him staring at you butt as he shut the door.

~Time skip~

Once the awkwardness was over, you walked downs. "So, there's no meetings today?" You questioned.

"well, you see. Since I'm not really a country, I don't have to do. I just go to pass the time." He shrugged, sipping some coffee. You sipped your own cup.

"So, when are we going to the park?" You asked. He put his empty cup in the sink, and pulled out his car keys.

"whenever you're ready," he gleamed. You quickly threw your cup on tje sink, and grabbed your purse. "okay, so the park is like 45 minutes away, just saying. And uhm, it's not what you're expecting." he looked over from the drivers seat, a grimace across his face.

You shrugged."okay that's fine. I mean whatever." he turned up the radio, which blared some sort of classical music. You closed your eyes to better enjoy the soothing tune. As soon as your lids closed, you imagined his hand on your cheek, his breath blowing into you face, his mouth on yours. Soon, a light blush had brightens your features as he spoke.

"(Y/N), why did you face turn pink so suddenly?" Gilbert asked curiously. You're eyes opned.

"Gilbert, why did you take your eyes off the road for so long?" He looked at you, smirking.

"Well, I guess neither of us has a solid answer, and by the way, I did notice you staring at me so intently this morning." He said.

"Well, I saw you staring at me too." You crossed your arms, trying your best to keep your heart rate from quickening. You all laughed and then silence filled the vehicle. It's was nice, serene. The strong connection you two had created in the course of 24 hours was quite amazing to you, someone who had never had a really friend.

Finally, you arrived at the so called Park. Really it was just some grass and trees, as you got out of the car, you noticed the sign placed in the grass. "Battlefield." That was all you needed to know, this was where Gilbert had been killed and his dissolution and occurred. He grabbed your hand as he stared. "I haven't been here since that day." He was obviously in another world, reliving the battle.
"Bruder and I were both beaten horribly. The names severally heard everyone's out look towards us, even Italy. We just wanted it to end, to become happy again...but, as always that happiness came with a cost. It was either me or Bruder and he had people who loved him, who really needed him, so when he was on the ground, covered in blood, I surrendered." His eyes were glazed over once again. He brought his hand out of yours to wipe away a tear. "Ugh, I'm so unawesome, crying like a little baby. It doesn't even matter, right? As long as Ludwig gets to keep his country, I can get pushed with all the World War 2 terrible memories. That wasnt my fault, why should I have to deal with it?" He huffed and plopped down on the grass, legs crossed.
You followed him. "I think it was pretty awesome what you did, you could have let your brother be dissolved but you chose him over you, that's the most awesome thing anyone could do. He should honestly be grateful to have you, anyone should. You're very under appreciated Mr. Beilschmidt." You picked at the grass beneath your legs, avoiding eye contact. This was obviously very difficult for him, and you couldn't quite understand why he brought you here. Suddenly and arm was under your legs and then on your back and you were swooped up. "AHHH, HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" You screamed as Gilbert threw you over his shoulder. "How are you so strong?"
"Hate to tell you miss, but you are about as a heavy as a feather." He scoffed, walking through the park. You blew your names out of your facr and crossed your arms, as best you could, and let him walk with you in tow. "Now, we are going to my favorite restaurant, and you're going to eat something." He said sternly. "And then we can go back to the car." You blushed at his tone, but you didn't really know why you were.
"Fine, whatever."

prussias pov

i walked with her in my arms, at first she thrashed a bit, and it reminde dme of the days when elizabeta would smack with a frying pan and pick me up like a small child. until she married that scumbag Rodereich. "Gilbert, would it be, uhm, unprossenial if i call you Gil, or Gilbear?" (Y/N) giggled. Her hair bounced against my back as we walked, "And can you sit me down please?" I sat her down and chuckled, seeing her fix her  (H/C) locks, while looking at me thoughtfully. 

"How about Gil, that sounds very awesome." I smiled as she walked alongside me. The wind blew slightly, just enough to makeit chilly, and I noticed her shiver as we walked. "Do you need my jacket?" I asked, beginning to take my blackie hoodie off. 

"No, we should be getting close right? And besides, I don't want you to get cold." She turned her head away as I noticed a slight blush spread across her cheeks.I slung my jacket over her shoulders, and her a starled gasp escaped her lips. It reminded me of when Elizabeta had been beaten horribly by the Ottomans, and I gave her my cloak. I tried to shake the thought away. I was with (Y/N) now, and that's alll that mattered.

"We are here!" I grinned, throwing my hand out in front of me and showing her the large restraunt titled "Liebe." Yes, it was cheesy, but it was a good place and it brought happy memories back of the days when Prussia was powerful, and Ludwig and I would meet to talk about our futures as countried. Once, I brought Elizabeta here, but that was so long ago. No one really cared for me anymore, I wouldn't tell (Y/N), but I was dying, and I'd treated all my family and friends like crap in order ot push them away , to prepare them, but mostly myself for my disappearing. 

Your POV

The restraunt was maginifcant, with metal doors, and tall windows. The street in fortn of it was lined with streetlambs, and flower bins, which made the contrasitng pinks and blues flourish in the dimly lit area. I grinned as we walked up the small concrete step, and were immediately greeted by a young, handsome man by the name of Antonio. "Spain?" I questioned, this was a German restraunt, why was he her?"

"Ah, (Y/N), What are you doing here? And where is your buddy America?" He asked quizically, glancing at Gilbert with a look of distate. 

I stuttered, "Business, I don't know. He just kind of left without a trance."

"Ah, well let's get you a table." He totally ignored Gil while leading us to a booth in the balc of the place, with a small chandeliar above us. "Enjoy." He smiled at me.

"Damn Spainards." Gilbert growled. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2015 ⏰

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